get out of here.”
A muscle in his jaw ticked but he nodded. Together, they inched toward the door.
The droid moved, blocking their way.
Hunt ran at the droid, tackling it to the ground. It broke apart into maybe twenty smaller droids with armored, lizard-like forms. They had large curved claws and slashed at Hunt, over and over.
“Relda! Go!”
He was struggling, bleeding from a thousand cuts, blood soaking into his clothes.
If she didn’t help, he was going to die. They’d both die and someone would take the Trojan Moon.
The thought of Hunt lying dead, all his beautiful clean, pure energy gone, was intolerable.
Relda squeezed her eyes closed for a brief second. She knew she had to do this, but she also knew Hunt wouldn’t look at her the same afterward.
That hungry desire would turn to wariness and fear, or worse, awe.
But her choice was to reveal herself or let him die. It wasn’t really a choice at all.
She opened her eyes.
The Trojan Moon changed colors, the red brightening until it filled the room. It amplified her powers and she felt the sweet sing of fire through her veins, energy pouring into her in a rush.
Damn, she’d missed this.
Now, she just had to control it long enough to save Hunt and not destroy the entire planet in the process.
She raised her hands. She felt the energy all around her. Powering the equipment, lights and homes of Medina, the neighboring towns, the entire world. She felt it in the deep molten heart of the planet. In the gravitational pull keeping Souk in orbit around its sun. In the solar flares on the sun. In all the spaces of the cosmos.
All of it was hers to command.
Her sense of being Relda flowed away. She was part of the flow of energy in the galaxy. The small lives of people mattered little. Life or death mattered little. Everyone returned to the flow of energy.
Her gaze fell on the man bleeding on the floor and the machines hovering over him.
“Relda.” The human male looked at her. Such a fierce look in his blue eyes.
She pushed her hands out.
The machines started to writhe, the smaller parts moving in an agitated swirl. With her power, she lifted them up.
Then she clapped her hands together.
The nano-droids slammed together into a twisted metal ball.
It fell harmlessly to the floor.
Chapter Five
Hunt stared at Relda and slowly—very slowly—got to his feet.
He didn’t feel the pain of the cuts on his skin. Or the aches from the other wounds the droid had inflicted.
All he could see was the fire burning in Relda’s eyes and the way her hair rippled back off her face, despite the fact there was no wind in the room. And it was hard to miss the fact she was hovering half a meter off the floor.
The Trojan Moon, nestled between her breasts, was the same color as the flames in her eyes.
Those eyes were focused on him, but he saw nothing of the intelligent, sexy woman he wanted. Instead, he just saw deadly power.
But he knew his Relda was in there somewhere.
He strode closer.
She tilted her head, watching him like he was a bug that had done something interesting.
Hunt felt the pulse of energy in the air around them. It raised the hairs on his arms. He stepped closer, until only a wisp of space separated them.
“Names really matter so little.” Her voice was melodious and smoky. “We are all just energy.”
“Time to come back to me, beautiful.”
“Back to a world that wants to kill me? Where I have to hide what I am?”
“You never have to hide from me.” He kissed her.
At first he just touched his lips hers. He expected her to feel scorching hot, but all he felt was a warm tingle.
She stood motionless, her hair still waving around her head.
But he felt a growing tension in her body that hadn’t been there before.
Hunt wrapped his arms around her and pulled her body flush against him. He opened his mouth and poured everything into the kiss.
It happened slowly at first, but centimeter by