Best Fake Day

Best Fake Day by Tracey Rogers Read Free Book Online

Book: Best Fake Day by Tracey Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey Rogers
heavy-handed tactics, so carrying Izzy over his shoulder wasn’t a good idea. “Just one dance,” he said through gritted teeth.
    Her mouth split into a wide grin. “And listen, they’re playing a slow song now.”
    And isn’t that just great , he thought as she stepped onto his toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her fingers were already skimming through the hair at his nape as she rested her head onto his chest. Her body felt soft and warm as she pressed against him. His body was feeling the opposite. Reluctantly, he began to move with her, and damn if he couldn’t feel her satisfied smile against his chest.
    The song that wasn’t as slow as Izzy had implied. It was a song that encouraged movement and Izzy had taken that cue and was undulating and dipping her hips. His groin tightened in appreciation and his erection came to join the party. Jack sucked in a tense breath as he joined her rhythm, unable to resist the temptation anymore. He heard her murmured appreciation as her pelvis tilted to tease his length. Fingers leaving his neck, they strayed lower, her nails trailing the length of his spine.
    Her face tilted to his. He could see the fire beneath her lowered lids.
    “Jack,” she murmured. “Jack, kiss me.”
    “I’m not kissing you, Isabel.”
    Oh, for...
    “...I don’t feel so good,” she said, right before she slumped in his arms.

Chapter 4
    Izzy lifted her head gingerly. Someone must be jabbing my skull with hot pokers. She dropped her head back into a soft pillow and groaned. Where was she? This pillow was too plump and dust free to be hers, and if nausea wasn’t churning in her stomach she would have been inhaling the deep scent tantalizing her nose. As she attempted to release her hold on the pillow to roll on her back, her next thought was—why the hell was she naked?
    She sat up quickly, the room she was in spinning too fast to familiarize herself with. Wincing at the shards of daylight piercing her brain, she grabbed the sheet to cover her breasts. Peeking under the sheet, she heaved a relieved sigh. Her knickers were thankfully in place. But still she had no idea of where she was, who had brought her there, and more disturbing, who had undressed her.
    As the thundering behind her eyes abated, Izzy allowed her eyes to open fully and survey her surroundings. It was neat, tidy, and minimal. This one bedroom was probably as large as her entire house. There were no personal touches anywhere. No artwork or pictures to be seen. The bedding was dark and luxurious. She clutched the sheet more tightly. It was definitely a masculine room. More worrisome, she turned her head to the side and swallowed around the lump in her throat as she took in the man-head sized dent in the adjacent pillow.
    Izzy jerked her head around squeezing her eyes tightly shut as pain slammed into her head, but not before she caught a glimpse of the real man-head with man-torso and man-limbs very much attached. And looking more manly and perfect than should be allowed.
    “Jack,” she murmured through her hands as she worked the tension of her brows with her fingers. She was semi-naked and in Jack’s bed with no recollection of the night before. This was not how her morning-after-the-night-before fantasies with Jack had ever worked out. In those fantasies she woke gloriously happy, feeling fantastic, and Jack would turn to her and say...
    “What the hell were you playing at?”
    That wasn’t what she’d imagined at all. She sucked in a breath and bravely peeled her fingers away to face the gaze she could feel boring holes into her knuckles. She lifted her eyes and gratefully took the drink of water offered to her, wanting to rid her mouth of the foul taste. The glass felt cool but it was nothing compared to the coolness of Jack’s eyes. She shuddered and took several sips before daring to speak.
    “What happened last night?” she asked in a surprisingly croaky

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