Beta Earth: Between Worlds 2.0 Edition

Beta Earth: Between Worlds 2.0 Edition by J.R. Napier Read Free Book Online

Book: Beta Earth: Between Worlds 2.0 Edition by J.R. Napier Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.R. Napier
over. We wouldn’t have been able to touch him short of inciting a coup d’état.”
    Clave approaches the two with a blank look on his face. San stares at the burning building.
    “You are a monster, man. You can’t get away with this.”
    “He is not under our law. He is under Akari’s. We asked for help and that is what we got.”
    “But there were innocents. It’s not right man.” San looks down for a moment and then exhales loudly. He shakes his head as he looks at Clave.
    “You are what’s wrong with the world today.” San storms off, he is so disgusted with Clave he can't stand to look at his face. Clave looks over to Rick.
    “Am I done here?” he asks.
    “Yes, thank you for your help, Clave.” Rick calmly replies. He sparks up a cigarette as Clave walks off. “That kid walked away from this with only a few bruises and cuts. How is that possible?” Rick takes a puff and blows it out. “Looks like scary times are approaching.”

Chapter 14
    Reality Lost
    Time: Unknown.
    Location: Unknown.
    Vin opens his eyes. All he can see is whiteness and a thin outline of digital architecture. “What in the—” Vin looks down and wonders what he is standing on. He takes a few steps on the white borderless ground and surveys the area. While he is distracted, a man walks up behind him.
    “Welcome.” The man says. Vin turns around and backs away.
    “W-Who are you?”
    “I am … surprised to see anyone else here so soon.” The man walks to the side of Vin, carefully observing him. “Forgive me. I am Dr. Mizrahi—or what is left of him. And you, Vin. You are in a new world. Or, I should say, a transitional world. I like to think of this as an area.” The man adjusts his glasses and then looks into Vin’s eyes. “Between worlds.” Vin wonders how this person knows his name. But his curiosity over this mysterious place grips his mind.
    “Is this a virtual place?” Vin asks. Dr. Mizrahi shakes his head.
    “No. Far from it. It’s as real as the world you know. The physical can exist here, from birth to death. Just in a different form.”
    “A different form? Wait, is my old world gone?”
    “No, it remains. Just as water has different forms—solid, liquid, gas—yet it still remains the same substance. If you think of your world as solid, then this is the high-speed information equivalent of that world … or the liquid form.” Mizrahi explains.
    “So this is a digital realm. Then it is virtual.” Vin says. Dr. Mizrahi lets out a sigh and pinches his nose just under his glasses.
    “I didn’t think it would be hard for a genius like you to grasp.” Vin looks down and thinks hard.
    “So, if what you say is true, then I’m traveling close to the speed of light right now.”
    “Very fast, correct.” replies Mizrahi. A look of shock enters Vin’s face.
    “Damn! Then I have to leave right now! Everything I know is aging by the second. I need to get back to them!” Dr. Mizrahi smiles. “Very perceptive, you do understand. Don’t worry, though. This time, your body isn’t here. You only partly unlocked your limiter and so only your mind is present. As for your family, it would do you little good to go back at this moment. Think about it … it’s much more important for you to find out about this place.” Vin ponders the situation and then looks at Mizrahi.
    “I have no choice, do I?” Vin asks. Dr. Mizrahi adjusts his glasses and folds his arms.
    “You do, but I think you realize it is better to question for now … so ask.” Vin begins his inquiry.
    “So, is it possible for my body to exist here?” Dr. Mizrahi reaches his hand out and touches what seems like nothing. Their surroundings turn into a visual image of outer space. Dr. Mizrahi and Vin are standing in a vivid illusion of being in orbit around Earth.“We are located in a data stream orbiting around the planet. Relayed though select satellites. Just as your mind can exist here, your body can as well.” Vin is

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