Betrayed: Military MC Romance (Hell's Fire Riders Book 2)

Betrayed: Military MC Romance (Hell's Fire Riders Book 2) by K.J. Dahlen Read Free Book Online

Book: Betrayed: Military MC Romance (Hell's Fire Riders Book 2) by K.J. Dahlen Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.J. Dahlen
Captain’s face. Dewey was watching Boomer and Trudy with a frown.
    “So Captain, what do you want us to do?” Cade asked from the other side of Dewey.
    “I think we should see what we can find out about Patrick. If he is behind this, we need to figure out what his next step is going to be.”
    Colten heard their plan and nodded. “I’ll see what I can find out.”
    Dewey sat back and glanced at his men. ”Boomer thinks Trudy should do the background check on Patrick. He thinks she’ll find more than you can.”
    Colten agreed. “He may be right about that but I can get it started.”
    “Aren’t you the least bit upset about that?” Stone asked following the conversation without saying anything before now.
    Colten shrugged. “Why should I be? She’s got some mad skills. Besides, we wouldn’t have the information we have without her.”
    “What’s our next step boss?” Parker asked.
    “I need to make some calls. We need to alert our guys in the sandbox what’s coming,” Dewey informed them.
    “Who are you going to call?” Cade asked.
    “I thought I’d put Brag in charge of the command.”
    “I need to give you the location of the village I was held him.” Wyatt agreed. “The Taliban will probably still be there.”
    Dewey nodded. When he got the info from Wyatt, he stood and left the building. Walking to his cabin, he went to his bedroom and inside his closet, he opened the safe hidden there. Once the safe was open, he took out the cell phone he had inside. This phone was a secure line. Sitting on his bed, he dialed the number he hadn’t used since he returned Stateside.
    When a gruff voice answered his call, Dewey grinned. “Hey there boss man, how is the weather where you are?”
    Colonel Brag Warren growled into the phone. “Mann, what the hell do you want? Are you thinking about coming back to this hellhole?”
    “Not a chance old man. Not a chance.” Dewey laughed at the suggestion. “I do need to give you some solid Intel though.”
    “What’s up?”
    “We uncovered a plot to assassinate the leading military leaders in the Middle East.”
    “Fuck me, how good is your Intel?”
    “Do you remember the day our world went to hell?” Dewey asked. “We lost one good man and two went missing. Well you ain’t gonna believe this but one of those missing men came home. When we didn’t hear from him in all this time we thought he was dead. He brought with him a plan of action that showed us we have a serious problem.”
    “What kind of problem?”
    “There is a series of bombs planted along the New Madrid Fault line that could break our country in half. There is also a hit list of the leaders of our military over there.”
    “Damn,” Brag Warren growled into the phone. “Where did this info come from?”
    “One of the missing men in our unit. We found out he walked off his post and into the arms of the Taliban. I think it’s safe to say, he isn’t one of us. We’re doing what we can to find out why but we were told he was a sleeper, sent here years ago to infiltrate our defenses and take back what he found out and use that info against us. He used the name Patrick Rivers.”
    “Who was the man that came back?”
    “Wyatt Gage. He was taken that day and held for four months. He escaped with some local help but went back to find out what the plan was. He brought some papers back with him. He didn’t know what the papers were but we were able to decode them. They were a map of what our country would look like after the explosion. It will literary break out nation in half and leave us broken. Hundreds of thousands will die and in the chaos that would follow, no one will survive.”
    “Can you stop it?”
    “We have men already on the problem. I have a list of names of the men you need to protect. Wyatt gave me the location of the village he was kept in, he said the Taliban is living there.”
    “Give me the location and we’ll wipe the bastards off the face off the planet,”

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