Beyond: Our Future in Space

Beyond: Our Future in Space by Chris Impey Read Free Book Online

Book: Beyond: Our Future in Space by Chris Impey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Impey
165, 176
    spectrum analyzer, 237
    Speer, Albert, 34
    Spielberg, Steven, 238
    Spirit of St. Louis (airplane), 91
    Spirit of St. Louis, The (Lindbergh), 90
    Spirit rover, 165
    Sputnik 1, 37–39, 37 , 40, 41, 51, 65, 141, 269
    Sputnik 2, 47, 269
    Sputnik 3, 39, 269
    SR-71 “Blackbird,” 69
    Stafford, Tom, 55
    Stalin, Joseph, 35, 37, 253
    Stapledon, Olaf, 253
    Stapp, John, 46
    Stark, Tony (Iron Man), 95, 96, 205
    ancient Greek concept of, 18
    as basis of carbon, 256
    in exoplanet detection, 126–28, 129 , 130–31
    Sun-like, 131, 133, 187, 215, 233, 236
    Star Trek , 88, 90, 92, 167, 192, 228–29, 268
    Star Trek: The Next Generation , 229, 232
    Stephenson, Neal, 103
    Stevenson, Robert, 114
    Stone, Bill, 97–98, 161
    string theory, 257
    Student, The , 86
    Sub-Biosphere 2, 197
    suitports, 196
    ancient Greek concept of, 18
    demise of, 197, 286
    as energy source, 124, 223, 253
    formation of, 156
    stars that are similar to, 131, 133, 187, 215, 233, 236
    Sunjammer, 185, 284
    Survivor (TV series), 75
    suspended animation, 250–52
    Synergia Ranch, 192
    tachyons, 228
    taikonauts, 142–43
    tardigrades (water bears), 122
    Tarter, Jill, 242–43
    Tau Ceti, 187–88, 237
    Teacher in Space program, 55, 74
    technological maturity, 260–61
    advancements in, 127, 133, 159–60, 224, 231, 241, 250, 257–62, 288, 292
    alien, 186–91
    in cameras, 53
    computation, 258–62
    destructive potential of, 245–46
    development of, 20
    for efficient energy production, 220–24, 221
    erroneous predictions about, 213–14
    in foods, 115–16
    human beings surpassed by, 258–59
    Kardashev’s scale for, 253–54
    outdated, 64–65, 106
    of remote sensing, 175–91
    of spacesuits, 195–96
    speculative and hypothetical, 228–32
    trust in, 98
    in weaponry, 22–24
    see also nanotechnology; specific technologies
    TED2014 conference, 178
    telepathy, cybernetic, 206
    teleportation, 228–32, 230 , 252
    telepresence, 176–79, 283
    telerobotics, 177–78
    telescopes, 31, 49–50, 126, 128, 129–30, 158, 163, 187, 190, 218, 235, 292–93
    see also specific instruments
    Telstar, 153
    Tereshkova, Valentina, 74
    Terminator, The , 259
    terraforming, 172–74, 182, 216–17, 227
    terrestrial exoplanets, incidence of, 128, 129, 216 , 241
    terrorism, 152–53
    Tesla, Nikola, 237
    Tesla Motors, 96–97, 97
    test pilots, 71–74, 272
    Tethers Unlimited, 226
    Thales, 18–19
    “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” (Feynman), 180
    thought experiments:
    and birth of science, 19
    for Dyson sphere, 253–54
    of Newton, 25
    on self-replication, 226–27
    3-D fabrication, 159, 160 , 226–27, 226
    thrust, in flight, 68–69, 72, 186, 220, 222–23
    thymine, 6
    Timbisha tribe, 118–19
    Titan, 53, 125, 177, 182, 278
    Tito, Dennis, 75, 170
    Toba supervolcano, 202
    toilets, in space travel, 116–17
    Tokyo Broadcasting System, 75
    tortoises, in space research, 49
    Tower of Babel, 148
    “Tranquility” (toilet), 117
    transhumanism, 207–8
    transit method, exoplanet detection by, 128–29, 128 , 129 , 130–31
    “Transmission of Information by Extraterrestrial Civilizations” (Kardashev), 253
    transporter devices, 228–32
    TrES-2B (exoplanet), 132
    tricorder devices, 92
    Tristan da Cunha, 202–3
    “True Story, A” (Lucian of Samosata), 20
    Truman, Harry, 36
    Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin Eduardovich, 26–28, 36, 72, 110, 149, 268
    rocket equation of, see rocket equation
    Turing, Alan, 258–59
    twin research studies, 98
    Tziolas, Andreas, 224
    UFOs, 142
    belief in, 102, 238
    proported sightings of, 239, 240
    Ulam, Stanislaw, 221
    uncertainty principle, 229–30, 291
    United Arab Emirates (UAE), 106
    United Nations, 47, 141, 145, 147, 214
    General Assembly, 42
    Moon Treaty of, 279
    United States, 141
    bureaucracy of, 105–9
    China’s relations with, 144
    energy consumption of, 222
    founding of, 109
    government shutdown of 2013 in, 63–64
    rocket development in, 28–30, 35–39
    space policy debate in, 146–47
    space program of, 38,

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