Beyond the Cliffs of Kerry

Beyond the Cliffs of Kerry by Amanda Hughes Read Free Book Online

Book: Beyond the Cliffs of Kerry by Amanda Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Hughes
    Her brother viewed academics and education as a symbol of the landed gentry, and it was Darcy's greatest fear that he would find out and ruin her opportunity to learn. Liam believed that Irishmen needed only food, a cottage and freedom. Anything beyond that was a waste of time.
    Liam was furious. Although forgetting her chores was unforgivable, what really angered him was the fact that she was acting like some damned independent female. She would use words that he didn't understand, and she would know what he was thinking before he said it. "Stupid wench," he thought. "Imagine her thinking she's smarter than me."
    "Well, Liam," said Michael rising up from the fire with a sheepish grin on his face, "I don't know a thing about Darcy's love affairs, but I do know about my own, and I've asked Bridget McGill to marry me. Father Etienne has agreed to perform the ceremony right in town, in my own cottage."
    Although Michael had grown up with Bridget McGill, he had never really noticed her until about a year ago when she was fetching some water for her mother one sunny afternoon. She was not a pretty girl and rather big-boned, but Michael saw a quality of beauty in her that the other young men in the village had missed. Their courtship had been quiet and Michael shared his private affairs with few, so Liam had no idea that he was interested in a young woman.
    Michael was ecstatic when Bridget accepted his proposal, and he assumed Liam would feel the same way. Instead Liam stared at him then exploded into hearty laughter saying, "You fool! What do you want to marry that wench for? Why, she has the face of a horse's ass!"
    Michael was thunderstruck. He blinked and asked, "What did you say?"
    Liam took a long pull on his brandy and sneered, "You're a damn fool. That's what I'm saying, O'Hearn. Granted you are a gimp, but you must be pretty desperate to want to bed that creature."
    Michael couldn't believe his ears. Liam had always been coarse and abrupt, but he had never been cruel. Rage boiled inside him as he started for the door. He turned and said, "Liam McBride, I don't know what's come over you lately. I should smash your face, but you're looking for an excuse to pummel me or anyone."
    Michael slammed the door behind him as Liam sat staring straight ahead. He had been drinking more lately and boiling with hatred and resentment. The only person he cared about was pulling away from him and whether he admitted it or not, Darcy was important to him. She was not there to greet him at the end of day, and he resented that she no longer catered exclusively to him. He felt as if he was being left behind, so when Michael had news of his marriage, Liam felt a burning jealousy begrudging their happiness. Liam had little desire to find a wife, and even if a woman were attracted to his coarse appearance, his courting skills were nonexistent.
    He sat at the table brooding for some time when he heard footsteps. The door opened and Darcy burst into the cottage announcing that she was home, tossing her shawl over the chair. Her cheeks were apple red from the cold, and she was in a good mood.
    "You're late! Where have you been?" demanded Liam.
    "I'm late? Oh Liam, I am sorry. I had no idea.”
    "Where have you been?"
    "With Teila, we spent the day carding wool," Darcy lied. She grabbed some potatoes from a bag in the corner, hoping Liam would press her no further. She hated having to lie to him about her lessons with Father Etienne, but if he knew the truth, they would end.
    "You liar!” he snarled. “I want you home here every night with my supper ready, and that's an order!"
    Darcy's eyes flashed, as she looked up from her cooking, but she decided to say nothing.
    "Tell me. Who's the bastard giving it to you when you should be home cooking?"
    Darcy took a breath ready to counter then decided to use his words to her advantage. "Liam, please don't be angry with me.

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