Big Brother Billionaire (Part Two)

Big Brother Billionaire (Part Two) by Lexie Ray Read Free Book Online

Book: Big Brother Billionaire (Part Two) by Lexie Ray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexie Ray
didn’t expect, however, was Ron’s answer.
    “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind,” he said simply, turning his palms upward on the table in a pose of supplication. “Not since the first time I happened to go to this club and saw you dance, saw the way you moved, the way you looked at men as you stalked by them.”
    I gaped at him, my persona having fled, not knowing what to do with this naked truth. He oozed honesty in a way I couldn’t quite explain. It was all at once attractive and disconcerting.
    “I saw you in my sleep,” he continued, “and you haunted my every hour—both waking and dreaming. I had to know more about you, and every time I came to the club, hoping to catch a glimpse of you, I realized I knew less and less. This is your act…I’m starting to realize that now. But what makes you put on this mask? You’re so beautiful. Why do you feel you have to be so aloof?”
    No customer had ever bothered with these questions. The only thing most men here ever asked me was if I wanted a drink, to sit on their lap, or to give them a piece of myself in private. None of them had ever bothered to ask why I acted the way that I did. They were only interested in my face value, in what was on the surface. They probably all assumed I was into BDSM and was some kind of dominatrix acting out her fantasies here in the club, and I let them. They could picture whatever fantasy they wished, as long as I got a paycheck at the end of the night.
    However, none of them had ever called me on it or told me that they knew there was something more, something else going on inside. Not even my coworkers or boss had expressed interest in knowing what was below the persona.
    “Here, let’s go,” he said, standing suddenly and taking my hand. I was so shocked I didn’t draw away from him for breaking the rules of the club, for touching me. Our fingers interlocked immediately, and there was almost a static buzz that I couldn’t help comparing with the buzz I felt the first time I met Marcus.
    “Where are we going?” I asked, finding my voice again and shaking my head swiftly at an approaching bouncer, eager to yank this man away from me.
    “To the private dance room,” he said. “I’ll make it worth your while. I promise.”
    “You want a private dance?” I asked, dubious. After all of those words he’d let leave his mouth? I thought this was something more than a simple, sexual attraction. Had he really waited a solid two weeks before requesting a stupid lap dance from me? It was a waste of an investment. I’d have gotten him taken care of the very first night if he’d indicated he was interested in such a thing.
    “I want to know more about you, Parker,” he said, leading me through the tables, to the dark corner of the club. “I understand that you can’t take the mask off out here, not with all these eyes on you. I know you have a character to maintain. However, I’m hoping that, away from prying eyes, you’ll be able to be honest with me.”
    Through a set of swinging doors and beyond a curtain of beads was the private dance area, with couches and chairs partitioned off like little love cubicles, many of them occupied. Ron led us to a couch and sat down before pulling me earnestly down beside him. I felt strange, awkward, and exposed. Sure, I was wearing a latex jumpsuit that hugged every peak, curve, nook, and cranny, and there weren’t many things about my body right now that remained mysterious, but this was a different kind of exposure. This man had seen behind the mask, and now he wanted a full gander at what was hidden beneath.
    “What’s your name?” I asked, peering at him. Those blue eyes hadn’t lost an ounce of their glimmer, their intensity, even in this intimate setting.
    “It’s Ron,” he said, giving me that gorgeous grin again. “Sorry. Probably should’ve introduced myself right off.”
    “That’s all right,” I said, followed by, needlessly, “I’m

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