Big Pete (Privateer Tales Book 4)

Big Pete (Privateer Tales Book 4) by Jamie McFarlane Read Free Book Online

Book: Big Pete (Privateer Tales Book 4) by Jamie McFarlane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie McFarlane
caused and so the Lieutenant’s charges are being heard.”
    “And the good news?” I asked.
    “The Marines aren’t likely to bend to political pressure.”
    “What’s the worst case?” I asked.             
    “Recommendation for a special court-martial,” she said.
    “When can we get to it?” I asked.
    She checked her pad again. “Don’t you want to talk about your defense?”
    “Will my company commander be there?” Captain Raffe was the real deal. He’d worked his way up through ranks and had the respect of his men, including me.
    “Yes. Captain Raffe was selected to be part of the panel.”
    “Then no, I don’t want to talk about my defense. Raffe has seen his share of combat. He’ll do the right thing.”
    “Understood.” I’d expected her to be a little pissed off, but she wasn’t anything of the sort. “I admire your faith in your commander.”
    “When?” I asked.
    “This afternoon if you’re amenable. Personally, I’d like to have more time to prepare and review the combat data streams,” she said.
    “Let’s do it,” No sense waiting. Bring the pain.
    “Alright, Marine. I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Get cleaned up. I’ll meet you there.”
    The room they led me into wasn’t all that impressive. There was a table with three comfortable chairs behind it and a small desk in front of that with two less comfortable chairs. Sterra was already seated at the desk when I arrived.
    A few minutes later three people entered. Captain Raffe was the only person I recognized. I’d risen to attention, which was simple protocol when an officer enters a room. Once they’d been seated and the proceeding was called to order, Colonel Alma Pertino introduced herself and the other members of the panel, Captain Raffe and Colonel Rostermel.
    The charges were read out loud for the panel to hear. I had no doubt that they’d already been through them but we were the Marines and we had formality that had to be observed.
    “Before we get started,” Pertino said, “Lieutenant Silver Irawan has asked to be allowed to give a statement.”
    I’d never seen Irawan in anything but a flight suit. When she walked through the door in her dress uniform, I have to admit that I was thinking about anything but the proceedings. She nodded at me, gave me a guarded smile and snapped to attention.
    “At ease, Lieutenant. You have a statement?” Colonel Pertino prompted.
    Irawan spoke for about ten minutes, mostly outlining the details of our escape. She was light on the details where she’d saved me and emphasized where I’d done a decent job. She didn’t step over the line and say anything untrue, but it was uncomfortable to hear her rendition of it.
    “May I ask a question?” Captain Raffe asked once she’d finished. It was rhetorical, as he was her superior officer. She recognized it as such and nodded. “In your opinion, would you have made it out of Soledad-controlled Manaus without Sergeant Hoffen’s aid?”
    “No, sir.”
    Captain Pertino dismissed Irawan and waited for her to leave the room. “Sergeant Hoffen, would you like to make a statement to this panel?”
    “Yes, ma’am,” I said and stood up straight.
    “I know there’s a lot of formality that goes into proceedings like this. But I also believe that we’re in a room full of Marines. I may not be right, but I believe the reason we have a court-martial system is because war brings about unusual events. If you haven’t experienced it, you really don’t have any damn idea how crazy things can get. I also don’t believe you’ll hang me on my words and that I can speak Marine to Marine here. Does that sound about right?” It was do or die at this point.
    “Please continue,” Colonel Pertino prompted. “But continue respectfully, and know your words have meaning here and once said they cannot be unsaid.”
    “Thank you,” I said. “The way I see it, the destruction of property thing is ridiculous. The Skampers

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