Billy Green Saves the Day

Billy Green Saves the Day by Ben Guyatt Read Free Book Online

Book: Billy Green Saves the Day by Ben Guyatt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Guyatt
Tags: Ebook, JUV000000, JUV016000, JUV016170
would destroy me. To see a young man with so much potential, more than I ever had, throw it all away for a war nobody wants, would make my life unbearable.” He placed a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Billy, I know you’re brave and want to fight for your country, but I need you more. Your family needs you more. Sarah will need you more if you end up together. Come home now, please.”
    Billy fell silent for a moment, brimming with mixed emotions. Then he reached into his pocket, withdrew the straw ring, contemplated it briefly, and tossed it into a nearby puddle. Adam tousled his son’s hair, and Billy retaliated with a light punch at his father’s stomach as they laughed and wrestled back to the wagon.
    The brilliant sun blazed over a perfectly still Lake Ontario. The stifling heat silenced nature, except for the frequent racket of cicadas. Levi Green trudged through the brush, soaked with sweat, and slapped a mosquito from his glistening neck. “We’re not going to find any Yankees hiding here, Billy.”
    â€œThen go home. I know Pa told you to follow me.” Billy quickened his pace as Levi collapsed beside a creek at the edge of the escarpment and splashed water on his burning face with his hat. “I won’t be coming home tonight,” Billy added casually over his shoulder. “I’m joining the army.”
    â€œWhat? You promised Pa you wouldn’t.”
    â€œI know what I told him.”
    Levi stood and donned his hat. “I’m supposed to look after you — and that’s exactly what I intend to do!”
    â€œWalk away, Levi. This doesn’t concern you.”
    â€œI’ll drag you home kicking and screaming if I have to.” Before Levi could say anything more, Billy punched him in the mouth, decking him. Levi flexed his jaw with his hand as his brother stood over him, fists clenched. “Not a bad punch.” He pulled himself to his feet. “Now try that when I’m ready.”
    Billy raised his hands and shadowed his brother. “You’ll have to knock me unconscious to stop me!”
    Levi grinned and rolled up his sleeves. “If you insist. It’s about time somebody taught you a lesson.”
    They circled each other as Billy threw a few punches but missed badly. Levi lunged at him, tackling Billy to the ground, but Billy pushed his brother aside with a blow to the gut. The older brother playfully hauled Billy to his feet and placed him in a headlock, but suddenly stopped. “My God,” he whispered, quickly pulling Billy to the ground in a cloud of dust.
    Directly below them, at the base of the escarpment, a mile-long blue river of three thousand American soldiers marched toward Stoney Creek.
    The smartly dressed U.S. Cavalry wore blue coats with silver buttons and silver braid, white buckskin pants, knee-high black boots, leather helmets wrapped with silver metal topped with white horsehair, and curved sabres at their hips. The infantry marched haphazardly, wearing blue coats and white pants, guns slung over shoulders, barrels down. Six horse teams pulled black cannons, while the mounted artillery units wore blue coats with brass buttons and gold lace. Behind them were supply wagons with Generals Winder and Chandler riding their horses side by side. After them came an ensign carrying a blue-and-white flag with fifteen stars as red-clad musicians kept time on deep, rope-bound drums along with fifers playing “Cottage in the Woods.”
    In all the massive American force consisted of three companies of artillery with nine field guns, two detachments of riflemen, one squadron of dragoons, and eight infantry units.
    Billy and Levi exchanged shocked glances. “There must be thousands of them,” Billy muttered.
    â€œThat’s not a regiment — it’s an army!” Levi countered under his breath.
    â€œLet’s take a closer look!” Billy suggested, racing off before Levi

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