Birdy Waterman 01 - The Bone Box

Birdy Waterman 01 - The Bone Box by Gregg Olsen Read Free Book Online

Book: Birdy Waterman 01 - The Bone Box by Gregg Olsen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gregg Olsen
reel in some kind of memory. She did recall Randall Rostov; he was the son of the first Makah to run a whale-watching business catering to the tourists from Seattle. If Iris hadn’t said her maiden name, she would never have guessed who she was.
    Iris was Anna Jo Bonners’s little sister. She had been three or four grades behind Birdy in school, a gap of enough measure to ensure that their paths seldom crossed. It didn’t matter how small a school was. And the reservation school was small by any standards. Only eighty students graduated with Birdy—and only three of those went on to college.
    “It’s okay if you don’t,” Iris said, taking off her jacket to reveal a cascade of black hair that had been tucked inside. “I was a lot younger than you.”
    Birdy smiled, a recollection finally coming to her. “I do,” she said. “I actually do. Weren’t you a dancer? I remember hearing that you went off to study dance back east. New York?”
    Iris nodded. “Yes, I was. Back then. Made it as far as Milwaukee. A far cry from New York, that’s for sure. Now I work in the bar at the casino. In the bar. So much for my brilliant career. But look at you.”
    Birdy deflected the compliment, if that’s what it had been. With some of the people on the reservation mad at her for getting a medical degree and not returning to work in the free clinic, it was hard to know if Iris really thought her career had been brilliant or a betrayal.
    “Coffee?” Birdy asked. “I was about to pour myself a cup.”
    Iris shook her head and declined. “Too late in the day for me. And really, I don’t have much time. The longer I wait to get to the point of it all, the greater the likelihood that I won’t be able to get up the nerve to tell you what I think you need to know.”
    Birdy scooted back into her chair, her eyes riveted on Iris. “Okay. No coffee. Sit down. Talk to me, Iris.” She motioned to Iris to take one of the chairs across her desk.
    “I’ll stand,” Iris said. “And first of all, before I say anything, I want you to know that as sorry as I am about everything, I’m also scared. Really scared. I have two kids. This can’t come back to me. Promise.”
    “I hope I can trust you, Birdy. I’m hoping that given your job and your education, you’ll be able to keep a confidence.”
    “I will,” she said.
    For the next twenty minutes, refusing to sit, Iris Bonners Rostov talked about her sister, how much she loved her, how she was sure they’d have been close.
    “Not like you and your sister,” the younger woman said.
    “That’s right, my sister and I aren’t close,” Birdy said, swallowing the sentence in one bitter gulp.
    Birdy wondered why Iris had needed to make the jab. People often needed to hurt someone as a way to take away their own pain. Putting the hurt on another person sometimes made them feel better, if only by comparison.
    “Iris, you came a long way to tell me something you think might be important,” Birdy said.
    “I did,” she said, “but really I’m scared.”
    “It’s about Tommy, isn’t it?”
    She nodded, but stayed quiet.
    Birdy pushed for an answer. “Iris, what?”
    Iris took a breath. “I don’t know that my sister really loved Tommy. I know it is wrong to talk bad about the dead, but it seems to me that Anna Jo has had a long enough time to adjust to what she did—wherever she is.”
    “I’m sure she’s at peace,” Birdy said.
    Iris looked away. “Not after what she did, maybe not.”
    “What did she do?”
    “She cheated on Tommy. She was seeing someone else. I think that’s why Tommy killed her. He must have found out.”
    The disclosure came out of nowhere. Birdy had thought that Iris was going to say something against Tommy, another reason why no one should forgive him, or that he’d gotten what he deserved.
    “I didn’t know she had another boyfriend,” Birdy said. “I’ve never heard that before.”
    Iris’s eyes were back on Birdy’s.

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