Black Legion: 03 - Warlords of Cunaxa

Black Legion: 03 - Warlords of Cunaxa by Michael G. Thomas Read Free Book Online

Book: Black Legion: 03 - Warlords of Cunaxa by Michael G. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael G. Thomas
harsh but rarely carried out.”
    Glaucon snorted in derision.
    “This is why these people are so soft. They are slaves, subservient to a small Medes master class that rules with violence and cruelty.”
    The elevator started to slow and came to a gentle halt. The door opened, and the two naked assistants beckoned for them to leave. As they exited the spotless compartment, Lady Artemas waited for Glaucon to come nearer.
    “Your home world of Attica, the great democratic hope for the Terrans. How fair, safe and well run is it when answering to the mob? Is a people’s democracy any better than the rule of the public mob? Do they operate as individuals or work in groups on the advice and say so of powerful figures in public office and the media?”
    She laughed gently.
    “Don’t be so proud of your little democratic state. You’ve started more wars, killed more Terrans and butchered more of your own people than any other Terran world in the last three hundred years.”
    She then turned and walked into an open floor area rich with water features, plants and sculptures. It looked more like a great garden than an apartment. She pointed into the distance where a waterfall cascaded down a marble archway and into a great green pool.
    “That is the entrance to the apartment complex, and this is the meditation area.”
    She walked ahead of their small group and made directly for the arched entrance. Her four guards were overwhelmed by the beauty and extravagance of the meditation area. There were no people about, not even cleaners or workers, and the only sounds to be heard were the falling water.
    “This is weird,” Glaucon said, to the surprise of the rest.
    They continued walking, but Xenophon slowed slightly to move alongside his friend. Glaucon pointed to the water features and the trees.
    “This looks like a park, it even smells like one, but what can you hear? Water. There are no birds, no animals and no people. This place would drive me mad!”
    Xenophon nodded, but he quite liked the idea of the peace and serenity offered by such a place of calm. Though they had grown up together and shared a love of martial training, and even political argument, there was no doubt that Xenophon was the traditional academic. He had a fond love of the arts and of great literature. Glaucon was far more the liberal, and when not spouting his belief for social change and democratic idealism, he could be found drinking himself to a stupor at one of his many parties back on Attica.
    They continued a short distance further until reaching the entrance. They all stopped, gazing at the array of marble columns that led inside. Lady Artemas was the only one not to stand and looked on in awe. Instead, she marched forward and between the first two columns. The others chased after her and walked down the short colonnade. It eventually led into a communal area filled with lavish recliners and seating, as well as space for all manner of activities that any of them could think of. Xenophon stopped and looked up at a marble gallery that ran around the entire interior of this part of the apartments. Anyone in those raised areas would have a perfect view of the ground below, including the seating areas and the empty circular region in the middle. He pointed directly at it.
    “What is that for?”
    Lady Artemas stopped and glanced at the spot, beckoning them to follow her through thick glass door at the far end. There were similar doors spaced out every twenty to thirty metres around the outer rim, presumably leading to each of three apartments.
    “The space is for any physical activity deemed to be of interested to the visiting dignity.”
    “Huh?” said Glaucon in a confused tone.
    Artemas stopped and sighed, waving her hand at the open area.
    “Some use it for dancing, others for theatre or poetry recitals. There have even been occasions where martial displays have been run here.”
    “What about you?” Xenophon asked.
    Lady Artemas looked at him

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