Blast from the Past (A Mac Faraday Mystery)

Blast from the Past (A Mac Faraday Mystery) by Lauren Carr Read Free Book Online

Book: Blast from the Past (A Mac Faraday Mystery) by Lauren Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Carr
walk. It was reminiscent of a teen pop star out and about with her entourage. While the German shepherd led on the leash, Mac was on one side of Archie. In his deputy chief’s uniform, Bogie was on the other side. Carrying a semi-automatic sub machine gun poised for an attack, one Spencer police officer was on the lookout for any assault from the front, while a Spencer security guard brought up the rear. He was similarly armed with his own sub machine gun.
    “This really isn’t necessary,” Archie told Mac.
    “After what happened this morning,” Mac said, “I think it is. This is ridiculous.”
    A long, black limousine slowly approached from behind them.
    “We have company,” the rear guard called up to them.
    They all clasped their guns. Archie clasped the handgun she had behind her back. As the limousine pulled up ahead of them, the rear window lowered. She gasped and grasped Gnarly’s leash when she saw the bald head with an ugly face look out at her.
    Mac’s arms went around her and he thrust her behind him while Bogie blocked her from the other side. His mouth foaming with fury, Gnarly’s barks drowned out the deputy chief’s orders for everyone to be ready.
    “Well, Ms. Douglas, it’s been a long time.” Tommy Cruze smirked at her. “I see you’ve moved uptown since we last saw each other. You must have some powerful friends. Is this your lover, Lieutenant Mac Faraday, formerly of the DC police department?”
    “We’ve never met,” Mac said.
    “But we have had mutual friends,” Cruze oozed. “Pearson. Rick Pearson. I believe he was a drug dealer, at least that was what he told me he was at the time—until I found out differently. Terrible accident he had. Ate his gun.”
    “You son of a bitch,” Mac said. “Pearson’s wife was pregnant.”
    “Pity for her.” He nodded in Archie’s direction. “You’d better be careful of your man, Ms. Douglas. Hate for him to have the same type of accident his friend had.”
    Uttering snarling barks, Gnarly was up on his hind legs trying to get at the mobster while Archie held him back.
    “Or maybe one of your two children might have an accident, Lieutenant Faraday,” Cruze said. “Lovely daughter you have, by the way. Looks just like her grandmother when Robin Spencer was her age. Some of my people would love to take her out for a good time.”
    In the blink of an eye, Mac’s gun was out of its holster with the muzzle in Tommy Cruze’s face.
    The bodyguard in the front seat was out of the car and aiming his gun at Mac.
    The Spencer police officer pressed the muzzle of his gun against the back of the guard’s head.
    The driver jumped out of the car to point his gun at Mac, only to find Bogie aiming his gun across the top of the limousine at him.
    The security guard from Spencer stepped forward to aim his gun through the window at Tommy Cruze.
    The mobster laughed. “Well, well, well, it looks like we have a standoff.”
    “I could shoot you now,” Mac said, “and no one would shed a tear for you.”
    “And my men will shoot you.”
    “But you’ll be dead,” Mac replied, “and the contract on Archie will be null and void with no one to pay it.”
    Tommy Cruse laughed. “Is this woman really worth you getting killed over?”
    “Bigger fool than I thought.”
    “Don’t, Mac,” Bogie said. “Let’s all just take a deep breath and everyone back away.”
    “Yes, Mac,” Tommy said in a mocking tone, “Let’s all just take a deep breath and back away.” He let out an insane sounding laugh.
    Archie’s hand was on Mac’s arm. “Let’s go, darling. This all was a bad idea.”
    “I suggest you take the little lady home and enjoy her company while you still can,” Tommy Cruze said. “You won’t have it for long.” He laughed again.
    His laughter was cut short when Archie shoved Mac’s gun out of the way so she could reach in through the window to grab Cruze by the front of his shirt. Her handgun was in his face. Light

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