Blaze: A Texas Heat Novel

Blaze: A Texas Heat Novel by Octavia McKenzie Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Blaze: A Texas Heat Novel by Octavia McKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Octavia McKenzie
as the light turned green, he sped off. The confines of the car felt charged with blinding lust and some deeper emotion he didn’t want any part of. He knew, even at age eighteen, that Emerson was everything he’d ever wanted. He craved her like air. The thought of giving a woman the power to destroy him was unfathomable.
    His father warned him years ago about the weakness of a love match. Dylan didn’t know the details but the wreckage of his parent’s marriage was enough of a deterrent. He turned the corner. The sight of her grandma’s Victorian was a welcome relief. Dylan parked. He purposely left the engine running to make a point. Won’t be here long! Despite his haste to get away from her, Dylan came around the car and opened the door for Emerson. He stood aside, careful not to touch her.
    Emerson could take a hint. His brisk manner hurt her. So much for his mother’s theory! Dylan didn’t want her - that much was obvious. He barely spoke a word to her during the drive. She thought about drowning her sorrows in a bucket of Death by Chocolate ice cream, maybe watch Pride and Prejudice and take a cold shower. His rejection pained her but she’d be damned if he knew it.
    Emerson held her head high, squared her shoulders and walked past him. “Thank you,” she mumbled. Stupid, she felt so stupid for thinking he still cared. Her hand shook as she took the keys out of her purse. She blinked back tears, furious with herself for loving him, adoring him after all these years. The night was silent. She no longer heard the purr of the engine. He’s gone . 
    On top of everything, she dropped the key. “Dang it!” she muttered. Tears fell unchecked down her cheeks. Who cries over their first love? Get a grip!
    “Emerson,” the sound of his hoarse whisper was a shock to her system. She spun around.
    Dylan stared at her with glittering blue eyes. The sight of her tears was his undoing. “Oh baby, don’t.” He framed her face tenderly between his hands and kissed her. Like déjà vu, Dylan backed her up against the wall on the dark porch and had his wicked way with her. His lips and hands were everywhere, kissing, tasting, licking, caressing. She kissed him right back with sweet abandon, stroking his tongue with hers in the burning silence. Dylan’s body felt rock hard against the softness of hers. When they came up for air, Dylan cursed under his breath.
    “I can’t,” he said explosively.
    She leaned against the wall for some much needed support. She felt hot all over. Fine tremors of love and lust shook her young body. She wanted him so much! From the sound of his harsh breathing and the obvious arousal of his body, he wanted her every bit as much.
    “I can’t,” he repeated.
    “Why?” she silently berated herself for asking.
    Dylan sighed and raked a hand through his hair. He muttered incoherently about his family, the re-election and some twenty year plan that she apparently didn’t fit into.
    “So it’s okay with you if I date someone else?”
    He stiffened. The glare he leveled on her thrilled Emerson. He did care! He cared something fierce.
    “No,” he said.
    “Hmm, but you can’t date me either?”
    “Yeah,” he said with a frown.
    Emerson closed the distance between them. Dylan could hardly breathe. She flattened her hands on his chest, stood on the tips of her toes and kissed him. It was the sweetest passion he’d ever known. Dylan’s arms wrapped around her small waist. He felt her lush curves beneath his hands. More , his body growled.   
    Emerson stopped kissing him abruptly and stood back. “I love you,” she whispered. Dylan’s heart slammed in his chest. He swallowed audibly. Hearing those words, those precious words from her filled him with awe and desire so fierce, he fought the urge to take her right there on the porch floor.
    “I don’t care what your family thinks or if you become the next President of the United States, I want you, it’s only been you. If you don’t

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