Blessed Fate

Blessed Fate by Hb Heinzer Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Blessed Fate by Hb Heinzer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hb Heinzer
Tags: Contemporary
six weeks left and every day is going to eat at her." He reached out a hand to pull me up from the couch, pulling me into a one-armed hug. "And if I hear that you're fucking around with her again, I'll cut off your balls while you sleep."
    I nodded as I turned to go to Rain.

    "Colton!" Travis's voice boomed through the empty bus.
    My head shot up at the panic I heard in his voice. I had rushed to the bus as soon as our set finished, a migraine setting in. They weren't a frequent occurrence, but if I didn't get it under control quickly, I would be worthless the next day.
    "Back here," I said, trying to keep my voice down. I pulled a pillow over my head as light from the interior of the bus washed over me when Travis threw the bedroom door open.
    "You gotta get out here, man. I don't know what's going on, but Rain's behind the bus, freaking out. Sounded like a pretty brutal phone call she just had."
    True to his word, Jon had made it known that everyone needed to keep an eye on Rain since she got the email from her dad. To the best of my knowledge, she didn't even realize what an intricate network was in place to keep her safe and sober.
    "Thanks, man." I pulled on my pants, not worrying about covering my feet or bare chest. As I ran from the bus, I heard the shrill screeching of groupies on the other side of the cattle fence set up to keep them back. I raised a hand to acknowledge them but made no effort to interact with them.
    I rounded the back of the bus to find Rain curled in a ball on the pavement bawling. I didn't want to ask her what was wrong because I had a feeling I knew. I prayed it wasn't as bad as my mind was making it out to be. Maybe her mom was just getting worse. "Hey, come here." I scooped her off the ground. She wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her face against me. "Shh, let's get you on the bus. It'll be okay, sweetie."
    If graded on my ability to comfort her at that moment, I would have received an F. It seemed like every word I said to her made her sob even harder. Travis entered the pass code to unlock the bus and we rushed inside, pulling the interior privacy door closed.
    "Baby, what's going on?" I tried to wipe away the makeup-tinted tears streaming down her face while Travis took off her boots. We sat quietly on the couch trying to figure out what was going on. He covered her with a blanket and I thanked him before he left us to ourselves. "Hey, talk to me."
    "Gone... she's gone," she wailed. It was a soul-wrenching cry like one I had never heard before outside of the movies.
    I stretched her out on the couch, placing her head on my lap. There were no words I could say to make it any better for her, so I let her cry while I rubbed her back. Her breathing evened out after nearly an hour, letting me know she had drifted off to sleep. I had no doubt it would not be a good sleep, so I opted to stay on the couch with her instead of moving to our room. She needed to sleep when her body let her.
    Shortly after she fell asleep, Jon, Travis and the four techs staying on our bus quietly opened the door to join us. "How's she holding up?" Jon asked. I shook my head, not wanting to say anything and risk waking her.
    "Damn, this sucks," Travis added. "I don't know who in the hell called her, but she was more pissed than anything. Sounded like they were giving her a hard time for not being there. Poor kid." He kissed his fingers before pressing them against her temple.
    "So, how many shows are we going to have to cancel?" Jon asked. I looked at him, trying to figure out what he was saying. "We're not letting her deal with this shit on her own. She would be the first one there for any of us if we were in her place. Did she tell you what the arrangements are?"
    I shook my head again. We sat there watching Rain sleep, drinking and trying to figure out what we could do help her through this. My fear that she'd fall back into old habits when she found out her mom had cancer was nothing compared to the

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