Blog of a Bully

Blog of a Bully by Stephen Zanzucchi Read Free Book Online

Book: Blog of a Bully by Stephen Zanzucchi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Zanzucchi
Tags: JUVENILE FICTION / Readers / Chapter Books
asked that kid and so on and so on . . . you get the idea. Finally, I traced the trail to Buzz. It took me all week to get that far. I felt like I was interrogating kid after kid. Some kids were so frightened that I was talking to them that they started crying and tried to give me their lunch money along with information.
    Toward the end of the week, I was feared again but this time it was worse. And sad to say, I was starting to feel like a bully.
    A closed mouth gathers no feet.
    I didn’t say a thing, and I am more popular now than before.

Friday, December 10th, 2010
    7:40 p.m.
    I don’t know what came over me or what is wrong with me. I woke up this morning and decided I was going to ask Angela if she wanted to go see a movie with me. Was it the one small hair I found on my chest today that gave me the courage to ask Angela out? Or was it most likely the subconscious desire to be laughed at and possibly humiliated? Either way, I plead the fifth and claim that I was not in my right mind.
    I went to school feeling pretty confident in my ability to confront a girl. I went right up to Angela and said, “Angela you’re pretty and cool; one might even call you pretty cool. Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight?” She was shaking her head no halfway through my sentence, and when I finished she gave an immediate and demanding NO and walked off.
    Did that suck? YES. Was I dumb enough to ask her in public, assuming she would say yes? YES. Did the whole school get to see my rejection? YES.
    School went on, and I was made fun of in every class. I thought I was the school bully. Am I supposed to be made fun of? NO. In between classes as I was walking around, I saw Timid Tim, the kid who messed up the paper I forced him to write for me. He was snickering at me, so I went over there and gave that little punk a wedgy. I went easy on the kid and didn’t pull as hard as I could have, but the whole school saw, and I was feared again. No one dared to make fun of me for getting rejected by Angela. I don’t like violence, and I don’t like rejection. What a horrible day.
    It doesn’t matter. Who is without a flaw?
    Definitely not me. I let some colors show that I’m not proud of. I really can’t believe what I did. I stooped to new lows today.

Tuesday, December 14 th , 2010
    5:15 p.m.
    Moms Know Best
    I must have a lot of mothers reading this blog, because with your comments, you guys really made me feel like the scum of the earth for what I did. I agree with you. But I can’t think right now about what I should do. So hopefully over the Christmas break I will figure this entire thing out. I’m still sad about what I did and still upset that I was rejected by Angela, and on top of all this, I found out according to my current report card, I’m now a C student. My parents are going to kill me.
    If you have any suggestions that are actually helpful, then please share. I’m making this short. I have homework to do.
    The greatest danger could be your stupidity.
    Man, even the fortune cookies are mad at me.

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010
    11:56 a.m.
    Winter Break
    My break has started off with a real bang. I was grounded for my bad grades. Not only that, but I was lectured by my parents for about an hour in their room about my grades, my attitude, why I’ve been getting in trouble at school, and how I use to be such a nice boy. They told me to have Donald over for a sleepover so he can be a good influence on me. Shows how much they know; he’s the one who got me in this mess. So I am grounded from video games and computer games. No biggie; I hardly play. Again, shows how much they know.
    I had Donald over, and he was more annoyed with Jessica than I was. Anything we did, she wanted to join, and if she cried enough then Mom would force us to let her play with us. I’m use to it, but Donald couldn’t stand her. We stayed up late watching a scary movie on the computer. It wasn’t that

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