Blood Moon

Blood Moon by T. Lynne Tolles Read Free Book Online

Book: Blood Moon by T. Lynne Tolles Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Lynne Tolles
time.”   Blake took a long draw on his beer and when he looked at Dean again his nose was extending and hair was bursting out of everywhere.   There was an unnerving sound much like bones being crushed and the rustling of leaves, but it was his knees turning backward and nose extending.   It went quite fast and was not gross at all. Blake found the whole process quite amazing.   Where Dean had stood, a large, scruffy, brown-furred wolf with hazel eyes now was standing. Aside from the sound of it all, it was much like the performance of some kind of odd dance.  
    Blake had always been very good at telepathy and heard Dean speaking to him loud and clear.  
    Are you up for a run? Your brother seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.
    “Ummm.   Sure,” Blake replied verbally.
    Dean took off out the door and into the cool night air.   Blake set down his beer and followed. It wasn’t long before they were racing through the woods, both incredibly agile, weaving in and out of trees and rocks and over downed logs. It had been ages since Blake and his brother had run like this.   Soon he and Dean came to a clearing where they could let loose and go full speed.   Blake was a bit ahead of Dean, which Dean felt needed to be rectified, so he nipped the hem of Blake’s pants, tripping up his feet and landing him on the ground.   Dean laughed and laughed as he put his paw on Blake’s chest as if to claim victory.   That’s when Blake rolled him, telling him with his mind, I don’t think so, Fuzz Face, and he took off like lightning.   He sent a thought to Dean as he headed back through the woods.   Last one to the house buys beer tomorrow.  
    Dean answered, You sneaky son of a...   If I win you’re re-tiling the bathroom, you cheating vamp.
    They ran as fast as they could and though Dean was incredibly fast, he was four paws behind Blake as he hit the screen door.
    Ha! No new tile for you! Fuzz Face!
    Not necessarily! Remember I am the grovelee…
    Yeah! Yeah! I know and I am the groveler! I know. I’ll pick up the tile tomorrow where I am sure it is waiting for me as we speak. You have to supply the beer, though. That I did win fair and square.
    Deal, but you call me fuzz face again and I will kick your sneaky vamp butt.
    Fine. I’m beat, man.   You’ve been kicking my butt for two weeks.   Maybe if I can get some good rest tonight we can do this again tomorrow?
    I suppose that could be arranged. See you tomorrow, Blake, and don’t forget that tile.
    Night, Dean. Blake headed out the door and started for the car as he saw Dean take off running after a rabbit. He had to admit he’d had fun tonight with Dean.   Maybe he was actually wearing on the guy, finally. He thought about that as he started the car and headed back to the hotel for some well deserved sleep.

    It was one-o’clock when Rachel Keaton called her sister, Sally. They had arranged this a week ago, making sure to keep their contact as low profile as possible.  
    “Sally? It’s Rachel.”
    “Hey, sis – how are plans going on your end?”
    “Not well. I can’t seem to catch up with her. She never seems to be at the bookstore.   I’ve been there and left messages three or four times now. The goofy redhead, Allison, just keeps piling up my messages. Would this Allison be a candidate for one of our guests?”
    “I don’t know? What’s her last name?”
    “I think it’s Dover or Denver?”
    “Nope; not a match.”
    “Too bad!”
    “Why don’t you just go to her house?”
    “I think it would make her suspicious. My story wouldn’t really congeal with those circumstances. However, I do have a Plan B that she can’t ignore. I just have to find the right place and opportunity.   What about you? How are plans going on your end?”
    “Oh, it’s fine here.   Our guests are sleeping peacefully.”
    “Good. As more guests arrive, though, it’s going to get harder.”
    “I know. I have it under control so far.”
    “All right, I

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