Bloodlines: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance (The Snake Eyes Series Book 4)

Bloodlines: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance (The Snake Eyes Series Book 4) by Tabatha Kiss Read Free Book Online

Book: Bloodlines: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance (The Snake Eyes Series Book 4) by Tabatha Kiss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tabatha Kiss
me, but I hadn’t prepared for the terror pumping through my veins.
    Luka hangs his jacket off a nail on the door and steps over to me as I lift myself onto the table. He stares at me but I keep my eyes down, trying not to make it too obvious how terrified I am.
    “Sofia, look at me.”
    I force my eyes up and feel a quick jolt of warmth as Luka smiles at me.
    “I won’t hurt you,” he says, flashing my memory back in time. Twelve years ago, he looked at me just like he is now. He has the same gray eyes, soft and caring without a hint of malice in them but his calloused hands tell me a different story; the story of a mafia man.
    My breath rattles within my lungs. He leans in and I feel his body heat in the air around me. It warms me to the core and my body responds in ways I’ve never known it could. I melt with surging blood in my veins, throbbing and aching all over.
    Luka lays his hands on my waist and my skin twitches beneath his touch, even through my thick, black dress. He looks at me with soft, seductive eyes and I can’t help but get lost in them.
    As he drifts closer and licks his lips, my heart stops. I turn away from him, my cheeks flushed with blood. “We don’t have to…”
    His fingers graze my chin, guiding me back to him. “I want to,” he whispers.
    Luka leans closer, gently pushing in until our lips finally touch. Lightning fires down my spine but I sit here, frozen in the flames, as he kisses me softly. He takes it slow, never once heaving an impatient breath while I adapt to the new sensation.
    Instinct kicks in my gut and I purse my lips against his, drawing a more passionate kiss between us and I ache for him to teach me more. He lays his hand on mine and I release the viselike grip I have on the table beneath us. I let him move me and he places my hand on his chest, giving me permission to touch him. I hesitate, my attentions torn between to feel of his tongue in my mouth and my twitching fingers, and I rest my hand on the taut skin of his torso. Muscles poke through from his abs and arms and my core throbs with anticipation.
    Luka’s own hands constantly move, triggering blooms of pleasure wherever he touches me. They slide downward from my face to my neck and my breasts, all the way down to the thick, black skirt between us. He pulls away and leans down to raise it up to my thighs.
    I quiver, red-faced and exposed, but one glance from his haunting, silver eyes brings me calm.
    “Sofia, have you ever touched yourself?” he asks.
    I hesitate. Answering with the truth would bring me great punishment if it were to fall on Zappia ears but I have no urge to lie to Luka Lutrova. I nod and he kisses me again, softly flicking his tongue against mine.
    He smiles in the dim light and lays his warm hands on my shivering knees. “Will you do it for me now?”
    An answer twitches my tongue but my voice never quite surfaces. Luka looks down to watch me inch my hand beneath my skirt. I push through all the ingrained shame involved with the act, utterly floor by the desire in his eyes. My clit throbs even harder as I touch it, shooting sparks down to my ankles. I bite my lip, silencing myself as pleasure quickly rises to the surface.
    “Shh…” Luka whispers, leaning closer to brush his lips against mine.
    My hips push off the table, gently grinding against my fingertips and I feel the smile grow wider across his face. Each breath fuels the heat in me, growing wilder with each rub. I open my mouth, silently moaning, and Luka traps the sound with his lips. He lays his hands on my waist to hold me steady as I climb even higher.
    “Don’t stop,” he says, staring into me.
    He wants me to finish; to release the deluge just begging to burst out of me and I want it, too. I can already feel the wetness staining my panties, dripping more every second, just waiting for him to enter me and fill me with his seed.
    The tension mounts and he holds me tighter as the euphoria overwhelms my core. I keep silent,

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