Bloodlust Denied

Bloodlust Denied by Christina Phillips Read Free Book Online

Book: Bloodlust Denied by Christina Phillips Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Phillips
Tags: Erótica
between us and the assembly rooms so none of the revelers hear your screams of pleasure as I fuck you.”
    The curtain fell back into place as she turned to glare at him. “Stop this carriage instantly.”
    “My dear Morana.” He enjoyed the way she stiffened with affront at his mocking endearment. “You’re in no position to give orders.”
    She let out shaky breath, as if the prospect of being abducted truly did bother her. And yet why would it? He didn’t know what game she played but it was a dangerous one and after all, he wasn’t offering her something she hadn’t before experienced.
    “Stop the carriage, and I will acquiesce to your demands.”
    Fast as lightning, he grasped her wrists in one hand. “You’ll acquiesce to my demands regardless.”
    The tip of her tongue moistened the seam of her lips, and lust speared through his groin and along his thickening shaft. Three years he’d waited for this moment and now that she was in his power, he was going to enjoy every last second.
    He tugged her to her feet and she stumbled against his knees, dark hair tumbling over her shoulders. He inhaled her fresh, clean scent, rose petals and raindrops and without conscious thought, he drifted his mouth across her tempting skin. He could feel the frantic beat of her pulse vibrating against his lips, against the tip of his searching tongue. His fangs pierced his gums, aching with need and want and rising desperation.
    “I should punish you for leaving me in that alley, Morana.”
    Her uneven breath feathered across his cheek and her cleavage beckoned.
    “I delivered. I owe you nothing from that night.”
    “I hadn’t finished with you.”
    She moved restlessly from him and tried to free herself. “That’s not my concern. It doesn’t give you the right to take me without my consent.”
    He wrapped his free hand around her loosened hair and slowly pulled her head toward him. She resisted and pain flashed across her face but it made no difference. She had no choice but to bow before him.
    “I have the right to do whatever I desire.” He breathed the words into her face, watched her pupils dilate and the musky scent of her arousal washed through the enclosed carriage. “And no one will miss you, Morana. No one will instigate a search for your whereabouts. You are completely at my mercy.”
    Her lips parted. He could feel her fighting her desire and it only intensified his own. Damn it, he’d hoped his memory had enhanced her allure, that his recollection of that night in the alley had been tainted with rose-hued sentimentality.
    But he’d been wrong. If anything, his formidable memory had diluted her charms.
    “Lady Harriet,” she began and he laughed softly, mockingly.
    “Lady Harriet has already forgotten your existence.” He raised an eyebrow at her bemused expression. “I have skill in the art of hypnotism.” That was one way of explaining how he had the power to manipulate the minds of humans. “You’re nothing more than a dream to her. After all, it’s not as if you’re truly related to her, is it?”
    She swallowed, and the column of her vulnerable throat caught his attention, hypnotized him. How sweet her blood would be . Even more so for the three years she had made him wait to taste her.
    Need clawed through his guts and lust gripped his balls in a merciless vise. He dragged his rabid gaze from her tempting flesh to glare into her wide, dark eyes.
    “I—I am her great-niece.” The words came from her reluctantly, as though she was drugged.
    He angled toward her, until their noses all but touched. “And that’s why you offered yourself on the streets to me, is it? Because noble blood flows in your veins.”
    Her lashes swept over her eyes, slow, languorous and infinitely erotic.
    “I wasn’t offering myself.” Her voice was smoky, tinged with rising lust. “I was dancing.”
    Crushed rose petals filled his senses and twisted through his pounding blood.
    “Dancing to entice. To

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