
Bonedust by Xoe Xanders Read Free Book Online

Book: Bonedust by Xoe Xanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Xoe Xanders
Tags: Romance
or watch him be slaughtered. At least now you can rest assured she won’t harm another person.”
    A were with black hair dropped to his knees beside Reese, his fingers stroking her red fur. “She was my mate,” he said softly. “Beautiful, enigmatic…”
    “Psycho?” Urban offered.
    All three men snarled at him, showing fangs that looked dangerous beneath human lips. Pandora growled as well, her hackles spiked up as she began to pace. They looked down at her. Three mature werewolves against a single dirgehound, training or not, was overkill.
    “Pandora,” Urban warned. Pan’s ears flagged, but she was hesitant. He looked up at Micah. “I’m sorry for your loss.” He stood slowly, as if moving fast might trigger their fight instinct. Then, boldly, he said, “But I did the job—the purse?”
    Micah snorted derisively. “Bullshit. You owe us back what we’ve already paid you.” He held out a hand.
    Urban shook his head. “No deal. That was my partner’s cut and he’s already headed back to base. Terribly shaken up, the poor guy. If anything, you owe him for unneeded mental anguish.” Seeing the anger boiling in Micah’s eyes, however, made him backpedal. “But how about this—next time you need a job done, I’ll do it for free.”
    “Damn right. Hunter, if you value your life, you’ll cut your losses now and walk away. Walk fast. I can’t hold this beast in for long,” Micah said in a quiet voice.
    “Call me if you need me, baby,” Urban said. His heart hammered in his chest as he turned his back on the three wolves. It would only take them two strides to Change and tear him limb from limb. “Pandora, come.” The hound walked at his side, grumbling, but kept her head down. Three strides out and he picked up speed at the sound of a growl behind him.
    But they let him go. He didn’t stop to catch his breath until he was back in Cavanaugh, back at Shadyside with the gates closed tight behind him. He leaned against his door, locking it for once in his life as his heart galloped in his chest. His head rested back against the door and slowly he slid down to sit on the carpet, legs stretched out in front of him.
    Talk about an adrenaline rush. Pandora nudged him, once, twice, and then barked in his face. His hair blew back as hot dog breath assaulted him. Her eyes gleamed with mischief. She barked again, then darted into the kitchen, claws clicking on tile. Food. The dog felt she deserved dinner. He had to chuckle at that. He got up and poured her a heaping bowl of kibble. Pan’s tail wagged as she gobbled it down.
    Urban’s thoughts roamed back to Gabriel, to the haunted look in his eyes just before he fled. Being chased by demons. Or rather, vampires. He’d looked so damn frightened. Urban swore and rubbed his hands on his pants, feeling dirty. Pan darted to the side door to go potty in the tiny square of backyard they had and Urban followed, picking up after her with a plastic baggy. Then they came in and he emptied his pockets on the counter—his keys, the black pen, and the little bag with Reese Callahan’s picture in it. She stared up at him, mockingly, and in a burst of anger not typical for him, he shredded the photo into the garbage.
    “I’m taking a shower,” he muttered to Pandora, who was nowhere to be found. Grabbing a pair of cotton pants out of the dresser, he found his dirgehound sprawled on his bed, snoring softly. It brought a smile to his lips. He cranked the water as hot as it would go and stood under the spitting spray, staring up at the crack in the ceiling tiles.
    Goddess. He should’ve kissed him. He should’ve given him something to remember him by. Not a quick peck on the lips, but a full fledged, tongue-in-mouth kiss. He groaned and let the water pour over him as he scrubbed until his arms were raw.
    If he ever got the chance again, damn the sky, he would.


    The water in the little pond was murky and shallow, but it was water. It would work. Gabriel sunk into

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