Boswell, LaVenia

Boswell, LaVenia by THE DAWNING (The Dawning Trilogy) Read Free Book Online

Book: Boswell, LaVenia by THE DAWNING (The Dawning Trilogy) Read Free Book Online
Authors: THE DAWNING (The Dawning Trilogy)
wanting to scream her frustration.  “Forget it!  I told you it’s not that!”  Hitting her palm to her chest she exclaimed vigorously, “It’s in here.  I could cry for the want of it, but I don’t know what it is.  Haven’t you ever felt that way?”
                With a rather pleased and smirky look on his face he answered happily, “No, not really.”
                Frustrated and cleaning up her beading supplies she mumbled, “Well, I’ve got to get ready.  Jason’s taking me to one of his friend’s beach parties, so you can already know, I’ll most likely be bored stiff.  They’ll probably play pin the tail on the donkey and Jason will scold them for using the south end of the donkey.”
                Suddenly they both burst out laughing, knowing it did sound like Jason.  He was the most moral prone human being either had ever known, so their laughter eased the tension in the air.
                Thomas got control of his laughter, apparently much relieved her previous conversation was over.  “Sorry sis, really wish I could help.  I’m afraid I don’t know what to say about how you’re feeling.  Sorry you’re yearning for you don’t know what.  Still sounds like sex to me,” he said with a laugh and dodged the throw pillow she hurled at his head. 
                His face grew suddenly serious.  “But, speaking of Jason, give the guy a break, sis.  He’s a genuine all around good guy.  Got a brilliant head on his shoulders too.  Besides, he’s about the only male I know that I can actually trust with my baby sis.  Wish I could talk him into medical school, we could have a fantastic practice together one day.” 
                Jennifer caught Thomas frowning before he smiled again.  He added, “He’s certainly been a good friend to me, with his strange maturity it’s always been like we were the same age.  But I hear you and him still are at odds.  That’s been going on a while too.  Why’s that Jen?  What really happened between you two?”
                Jen knew right then her mom asked him to encourage her relationship with Jas.  Jeeze.  What was it about him that had them all on his cheering squad?  Just because he’s a genuine good guy, plus has money and okay his smarts, still doesn’t ring her bell.  It takes a lot more.  Wish they’d leave things alone.
                She was trying to find a way to answer Thomas when her cell went off.  This time it was Scott again.  She stopped the ringing.
                Tom noticed her ignoring the call but said nothing.  Getting up he stated, “Never mind if you don’t want to talk about it.  But know this, I do love you baby sister and I’m always here for you.”  He left for his room to get his bags packed to return to Gainesville when their parents return home.
                Glancing at her watch she realized Jason would be there in less than an hour. 
                In her room she opened her closet and choose a pair of straight legged jeans.  She grabbed an actually brand new pink knit tube top, her first one ever, and a heavy brushed cotton, cream colored button up shirt with long sleeves and pink cuffs and collar.  It had her favorite Twilight cast of characters emblazoned on its back.  She buttoned the shirt from the bottom to just below her tube top.  She double checked to make sure the cuffs were buttoned well, they tended to come loose and she didn’t want the bruises on her wrists visible to anyone.  Cream knee boots worn over her jeans along with her shell necklace with earrings completed her outfit.  She also picked up a short jean jacket in case the air grew too cold.  It was a pretty clear, crisp day out, temps in the high sixties, unusual for their January winter.
                Her wig just required a bit of maneuvering with the curling iron

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