Bouncer’s Folly

Bouncer’s Folly by Gracie C. McKeever Read Free Book Online

Book: Bouncer’s Folly by Gracie C. McKeever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gracie C. McKeever
Tags: General Fiction
in…this body?”
    “That’s a nice way of putting it. I prefer stranded me in no man’s land.”
    “Sounds like someone’s holding a grudge.”
    “Wouldn’t you? First they throw me down an elevator shaft—”
    “I’m not sure that’s an accurate descrip—”
    “Then they bring me back to be with the man I love, but neglect to mention the catch of me being with him in my brother’s body.”
    “All’s well that end’s well?”
    She looked at his uncertain features and burst out laughing. No one else in the world could make her laugh and pull her out of a stinky mood like Zack. Still, she wanted to feel sorry for herself and take out her frustration on someone and Zack was available. “For you maybe.”
    He reached out a hand to rub and squeeze her shoulder. “I’m sure it’s not that bad. You’re back, after all.”
    “I’m not exactly sure why.”
    “To play matchmaker for another deserving, but unsuspecting, couple?”
    “Yeah, but who…” Zara gaped and slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand.
    …Just follow your heart and you will not go wrong…
    How could she be so stupid? It never occurred to her that she had been sent back this time to play matchmaker for herself! And if this were true, she needed to step very carefully with Ramsey. Who was to say he was her soul mate, the one her angels meant her to be with? She didn’t want to get all involved with the guy, only to have it turn out that she didn’t belong with him. Or worse, to have those damned angels snatch her out of Trevor’s body after she had gotten attached. They’d told her she was going home but they never said it was for good.
    …Just follow your heart…
    Yeah sure, easy for them to say.

    Gracie C. McKeever

    * * * *

    Trevor had barely been alone since he’d left the hospital and this presented more than a few problems. How was he supposed to establish the boi’s state of mind and find out why the police had not given him a visit yet?
    Was Trevor having second thoughts about them, finally seeing the light?
    Was Trevor protecting him?
    That his OD and near-death experience had finally made Trevor realize no one could love him like he loved him was ironic. It made him wonder if he should have gone the rough and forceful route rather than the smooth and charming route with Trevor long ago.
    Unless Trevor wasn’t protecting him but in fact was setting a trap, waiting for the right time to reveal who had hurt him in the restroom? That seemed more likely. Why would Trevor protect him now when he could have cared less about him before? It was the crux of their problems. Trevor didn’t believe that they belonged together and he did.
    But he had another chance now to convince Trevor of the rightness of their connection.
    He wouldn’t fail this time.

    * * * *

    After leaving the hospital, Ramsey took a walk around the block to clear his head before finally jogging the several blocks from the hospital to his day job at Equinox.
    He had three clients to put through their paces today before he went home and got ready for his night at Zara’s . One client was female and the other two males, all of whom felt it was their God-given right to flirt just shy of sexual harassment.
    Ramsey tried to take it in stride because one, he hated whiners. Two, he made an excellent living at what he did. Three, he enjoyed helping people.
    And four, he sympathized with the loneliness that drove this sort of desperation. If things got out of hand with any of his clients, he knew how to tell them where to go, but for the most part, he just went along with the program and let them have their fun.

    Bouncer’s Folly: Zara’s Bois 3
    Ramsey had to do some mental preparations, however, before going out to face his first client, a middle-aged, divorced mother-of-two from the suburbs who was on his dick like a mother and didn’t know how to take no for an answer. He’d done everything he could to deter her advances, even revealed he

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