Bound, An Arelia LaRue Novel #1 YA Paranormal Romance
deep voice that I knew wasn’t human. “Are you lost?” It
    “ Yes, I am,” I replied
knowing that it was a spirit. If Ms. Mae and Erzulie were right,
maybe it could help me find Ben.
    “ Where are you going to at
this time of night?” It asked. I skimmed the area and realized that
the voice was coming from a large, grey owl. I know to most people,
a talking owl would sound crazy, but growing up where I did, it was
pretty much normal.
    “ Brise?” I cautiously asked.
Brise was the spirit of the woods and hills. Grand-mere had told
stories of how his physical appearance was so terrifying that he
liked to take the shape of an owl instead. I also knew that he was
essentially a gentle spirit. I would have to take my chances and
ask him for help.
    “ Yes, you know my name?”
Brise sounded extremely pleased.
    “ Of course, I know your
name. I need your help.”
    “ Why would I want to help
Arelia LaRue?”
    “ You know my name too, that
means you’ve heard about me. It may also mean that you care and
want to help.” I knew that I was being too hopeful.
    “ Erzulie says many great
things about you. She’s so beautiful,” Brise’s voice was wistful.
“Do you think she would ever be interested in an ugly spirit like
me?” He prodded as he tilted his head in anticipation. He was
obviously waiting for some kind of affirmation.
    Go figure, even spirits had self-esteem
and dating issues. “Of course,” I replied carefully. The last thing
I wanted to do was offend a spirit. “Why wouldn’t she be interested
in you?”
    “ Well, there are so many
other handsome spirits around; I don’t think that she would be
attracted to me.” He went on lamenting how difficult it was being
one of the ugliest spirits around.
    I thought back to all the times Sabrina
had forced me to watch America’s Next Top Model and pulled out a
line that Tyra would have probably used if a model was having a
breakdown. “Well, I personally think you’re very handsome. You have
a unique look that no other spirit has, I’m sure Erzulie would love
to date someone so distinctive. It’s true. I’ve seen pictures of
you. I’ll tell you what, if you help me, I’ll put in a good word
for you. I’ll make sure that Erzulie gives you a chance,” I offered
    “ Really?” He let out a loud
    “ Yes, really,” I said. “So
can you help me?”
    “ Yes,” he replied. “What is
it that you are searching for?”
    “ I have to find the swamp.
I’m looking for a child, I think he’s there. I know that he’s
scared and lost,” I spat out before he could change his mind and
decide not to help me.
    Brise laughed a deep, throaty laugh
that shook all the trees surrounding us. “That’s such an easy
request Arelia. Just look beneath you.”
    “ Beneath me?” I asked
terrified that I would see Ben’s chubby, limp body there. I looked
down and was relieved to find his baseball cap. “He was
    “ Yes,” replied Brise. He was
so nonchalant about the whole thing like he dealt with situations
such as these on a daily basis.
    “ Where is he now?” I
    “ Pick up the hat. It will
show you the way,” he advised.
    “ I don’t understand.” I was
puzzled as I picked up the hat. I felt silence fill the air.
“Brise!” I shouted, but he was gone. I was alone again. I forced
myself to calm down and think about what Brise had said. The hat
would show me the way. I ran my fingers over the cap and closed my
eyes and concentrated on Ben’s face. With my eyes still closed I
made my way through the woods, until I could smell Spanish
    I opened my eyes and saw that the
moonlight was back only to reveal the eerie outline of Spanish
moss, as it dangled from rows of cypress trees. All around me the
trees breathed and silently spoke a secret language that I had no
hopes of ever understanding. This had to mean that the swamp was
near. I ran towards the trees and felt the ground turn to mush as I
crossed it. I

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