A Lost Kitten

A Lost Kitten by Jessica Kong Read Free Book Online

Book: A Lost Kitten by Jessica Kong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Kong
with a good morning and told them he had met their eldest daughter at the castle. He could tell they were proud of her working at the castle. According to them, not many were allowed to do so.
    He bid them farewell and continued with his exploration of the area. The need to know his surroundings was Basic Survival 101. He mentally mapped out the area and tried to commit each new face to memory.
    John rubbed his arms in frustration. He did not understand why he felt so cold when it was a beautiful sunny day. At times, the cold would intensify. It was unlike anything he had experienced in the past. He shivered and continued walking.
    He passed another two-room house. Like the others, it seemed unoccupied. He looked through a window beside the front door. The interior was clean and tidy. Apparently, he was wrong. Someone did live there. He opted to leave before he was labeled a Peeping Tom.
    The sound of children’s laughter drew his attention next door. The towering building looked like an old country church with faded white chipping paint. John noticed there were children playing in the fenced backyard. He climbed the small porch and peeked through a front window. He saw rows of small tables with seats, two large desks at the front, and three large blackboards. It was not a church, but an empty classroom.
    John leaned his head on the glass and thought of his family—his younger siblings in particular. He feared for their safety. It was the main reason why he desperately wanted to get back to the Sea-anan Empire. He needed to locate his family. He needed to know they were safe.
    Desperate to get out of the cold, John tried the front door. It was open. He entered and closed the door behind him. The fragrance in the room placed a smirk on his face. He made his way down an aisle. The wearer of the perfume must have been there before him. Who was she? What did she look like? Was she as attractive as the scent?
    John sat in the seat between the two teachers’ desks. He compared the large room to those in his culture’s past history. He felt like he had stepped back in time. The entire city had an Old World appearance, except for the sectioned-off area outside the walls that was designated for spaceships.
    While he sat on the small bench, the coldness that plagued him gradually subsided to a cozy warmness that wrapped around him, as did the pervasive scent of vanilla. The warmness grew as a new sensation gripped him. It felt like someone was combing her fingers through his hair.
    John passed his fingers through his short hair. He rubbed his scalp. The sensation continued. He glanced around. There was no one in the classroom. He stared at the clean blackboards. He knew he should feel afraid, but strangely, the invisible fingers had a soothing affect on his tight nerves.
    John closed his eyes and deeply inhaled the aura in the room. One by one, his coiled, aching muscles relaxed. Those magical fingers lowered to his shoulders, pressing into his muscles. His head dipped forward while they massaged the tension from his shoulders. John felt the stress leaving him—a first since the attack. He sat there enjoying the massage.
    Jasira was beside herself with joy. She could not believe she was able to touch this beautiful man. To be given a mate was more than she had dared to hope for, but here he was. Solid and real. And extremely stressed, by the look on his face.
    It was recess. Two teachers were outside with the class of sixty while Jasira remained indoors, preparing for the next lesson. When she had glanced up from her papers, she had been startled to see John’s face by the window, peering into the room. She had watched him enter. She could see the strain on his handsome face. She wished she could speak to him, learn of his problems, ease his suffering. But for now, all she could do was try to ease his tension by massaging his shoulders.
    She heard an odd sound. Jasira realized it was coming from John. She smiled. It seemed he

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