Bounty's End (Bounty for Hire)

Bounty's End (Bounty for Hire) by AJ Wiliams Read Free Book Online

Book: Bounty's End (Bounty for Hire) by AJ Wiliams Read Free Book Online
Authors: AJ Wiliams
    “I am not a child,” she remarked.
    “No, you are not, but standing out here in the open, demanding to go into a dangerous situation, sure seems to me like acting like a child. Now, I will repeat, get your ass in the truck and wait for me,” he snapped.

    Chapter 8
    Thomas could see that each word was hitting home as he spoke to Wen. He didn’t want to be mean, but she was acting like a teenager. For all he knew, they could walk in and there would be someone waiting to get her. Especially if she had a clock that was like the one that was stolen. There was no way in hell he was going to take that chance with her.
    “Wen,” he growled when he saw that she made no move to head toward his truck.
    Thomas watched as her finger came up to hit him in the chest. He tried not to smile at her. But damn, it was cute watching a woman just a hair shorter than his sister pointing a finger in his chest. She had no fear when it came to his height. It wasn’t that he was overly tall, but to her short stature, he was sure he seemed like a giant. Well, that was what Keylee always said, considering that he and Jefferson had always been taller than her.
    “Listen to me, Thomas Anders, I will go to that truck and wait for you to come back out. However, I want you to understand one thing. I am doing this because I know it is the smart move. Not because you said I had to.”
    With that, Thomas watched as she turned on her heels and marched with her back straight and head held high toward his truck. He waited until she was inside the truck and the door was shut before he proceeded to her front door. He knew he should be calling the cops before entering the house. Yet, that was not what he wanted. He was just in her house and he knew exactly where most things were. He wanted to be the first to inform Wen what she was going to be walking into.
    Turning around just one more time to make sure her ass had not moved out of the truck, he was presented with Wen sticking her tongue out at him. Childish, yes, but he would make sure she put that tongue to better use at a later time.
    Squaring his shoulders, he made his way in the house, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.
    * * *
    She could not believe the nerve of the man to tell her she had to get her ass back in the truck. Sure, she understood, she even got it, but still, it was the whole ordering her around in his authoritative tone she did not appreciate.
    When she saw him turn and glare at her from her front steps before entering her house, she was hit with this sudden urge to stick her tongue out. Childish, you bet it was, but he did that to her.
    Wen could feel herself growling at the man at how much he infuriated her. If this was what she was staying away from, then all the better. She had thought heartbreak. HA! Heartbreak, her ass. More along the lines of aggravation.
    Nonetheless, it didn’t stop her from holding her breath as she watched Thomas walk in the house and disappear. It seemed as though time slowed waiting for him to come back outside. It was then she looked at the clock. Shit, only five minutes had passed. She needed out of the truck. What if someone was still in there and he was hurt? What if he left her to chase the guy away?
    Oh, this was not good .
    Just as she was sliding out of the truck, she noticed him coming out of the house.
    She wanted to run to him to see what was going on. Yet, it was his face that held her still. It was masked, but his eyes said so much more. Her parents always said people could hide who they are, but the eyes held the person’s soul. Bad eyes, bad souls. Thomas did not have bad eyes. They were deep and filled with so many things, which was why she held back. She could be consumed by him and that was not what she wanted or needed right now.
    Yet, looking at his eyes she needed, no she wanted to be consumed by him. She needed to take the pain away, even though she knew at this point the pain in those

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