Boy Next Door (Parkside Avenue Book #2)

Boy Next Door (Parkside Avenue Book #2) by Raquel Lyon Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Boy Next Door (Parkside Avenue Book #2) by Raquel Lyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raquel Lyon
here when that happens.”
    “Why? Are you not allowed
friends?” I ran my tongue over the spoon and wiped my finger around the edge of
the bowl, collecting a splodge of mixture, before spontaneously deciding to dot
a blob onto the tip of Cora’s nose. My question was left unanswered, when at that
very moment, Nessie arrived home.
    “Um, what’s going on, Mum?” She
stood in the doorway, surveying the scene.
    “Oh, Vanessa,” Cora began, as she
wiped the mixture from her nose with a tea towel. “It’s not what it looks
    “Actually, it’s exactly what it
looks like,” I said. “Two people making brownies.”
    Nessie narrowed her eyes. “I was
told you were the gardener, not the cook.”
    “I’m anything your mother wants
me to be.”
    “How nice. Did she want
handprints on her bum?”
    “What?” Cora twisted to see
behind her, and laughed. She had dimples when she laughed, cute little dents
which plumped out the fullness of her cheeks. “That was very naughty of you,
    Not half as naughty as some of
the things I wanted to do to her. I shrugged. “But funny, right?”
    She smiled. “A little.”
    I smoothed the back of my fingers
down her arm. “I’d better go.”
    “Yes. You had,” Nessie spat. “And
don’t bother coming back.”
    “Vanessa!” Cora scolded.
    “It’s okay,” I said, holding up
my hands in defeat. Nessie didn’t have to like me. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Cora.”

    Chapter Eight
    “You were gone all day again, Bro,”
Kendrick said, upon my return. He was busy clicking the console of his computer
game and didn’t look up as I entered.
    “I have a job to do.”
    “Paps made a casserole. It’s in
the oven, if you want some.”
    “Great. I’m starving,” I said, as
I went to search out the food. Smelling chocolate all afternoon, without
getting to eat the final product, had my stomach growling to be filled.
    Kendrick’s voice drifted down the
corridor. “So, when are you gonna spare some time to spend with your baby bro?”
    “How about tonight?” I shouted.
“If you’re thinking of going to the club, that is. I said I’d go back to the
    “Are you sure that’s wise? You were
lucky to make it out of there in one piece, yesterday.”
    “I know what I’m doing.”
    “Yeah, well I hope so.”
    Kendrick remained focused on the
screen as I curled up on the sofa with my meal. Perhaps now was a good time for
that chat. “How was college today?” I asked.
    “Same as always. Hate the joint.
Can’t be bothered. What’s the point when there’s fuck all out there? Ah, shit.
I lost a life.” He threw the controller beside him with disgust.
    “You still need a qualification,
and I promise, if you finish your course, it’ll be all good, Rick,” I said,
between mouthfuls. “Look on the bright side. You’ve only a couple of weeks left
at college.”
    Kendrick stretched and leaned
back with his arms spread out across the top of the seating. “Yeah, but I need
funds now, Bro. Liam’s got a big job coming up, and he says it might warrant an
extra pair of hands, if I want in.” He surveyed me, frowning. “Dude, you need a
haircut. You’re beginning to look like Smokey.”
    Ignoring his jibe, I asked, “What
kind of job? And who’s Liam?”
    “A mate of mine from the club. He
does up old cars and sells them on. I guess the job’s something like that. He
hasn’t come up with the details yet.”
    “Are you sure it’s kosher?”
    “Course. Liam’s sound.”
    I nodded, wishing I could have
been around more. If Kendrick’s friends had altered in line with his
appearance, I’d have liked to meet this Liam for myself. “How long have you
known him?”
    “All year. If you’d been here,
you’d probably have been closer to him than me, by now.”
    “How come?”
    “He’s a gambler, like you.”
    “Street racing.”
    Great, a tosser with a turbo. “That’s
    “So is unlicensed

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