Branded by a Warrior

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Book: Branded by a Warrior by Andrea Thorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Thorne
death’s doorste p. She looked alive and vibrant, like she would wake up at any moment.
    Broderick leaned his head back to get a look at her bandaged shoulder more clearly; it appeared that the bleeding had finally stopped. Her bandage was still snow white. S atisfied with the appearance of the lady lying across his chest, he knew he’d have to get up soon. Soaking in the sensation of having the notorious Warrior Queen in his arms, asleep and alive , he smiled down at the lovely lass nestled against his chest. He sighed deeply; he knew he nee ded to attend to his duties as L aird, even if it felt quite wonderful to have the beauty sleeping peacefully upon him .
    He ran his hand up her back, slowly detangling himself from her tight hold. Rolling out of his bed he stood up and stretched, he smiled as he watched her nestle into his spot on the bed. The woman had not been lucid since he found her, yet she instinctively clung to him and his warmth. She trusted him as if she’d known him her entire life.
    Shaking his head , inwardly scolding himself for having such a foolish thought s . With a furrowed brow he walked over to his wardrobe and donned fresh clothes quietly while Elisabeth slept peacefully. Gathering his assortment of weapons, he lifted his black sable fur off the chair and spun it around his shoulders, buckling it across his chest. Running a hand through his hair, he looked back at the bed one last time before calling for his hounds. There was much to do this morn, missives to be written to the King , and other Scottish lairds. Word of the Drummond massacre needed to be sent, Scotl and would mourn such a beloved l aird as Fergus Drummond. Broderick had contemplated if he should tell the King of England of Elisabeth’s survival; he knew the Drummond family was well favored by King Richard. Broderick knew he could claim he didn’t know or recognize Elisabeth , thus why he didn’t report her survival. Why would the King of England care about one lone, small surviving female? Something inside him cautioned him against revealing her identity to anyone. Only Kendrix and himself knew her true identity , soon enough he’d tell Rhona as well . Broderick knew Kincaid and his men would stop at nothing to get their hands on her if they found out she was alive. He knew that if i t meant keeping King Richard in the dark about her survival , he would take the chance.
    Exiting the room he let the hounds run ahead of him while he gently closed his large wooden door. He’d send Rhona up to sit with her until he came back tonight; he knew the elder would be more than happy to help. Even though she looked much better this morning, he cautioned himself, she could still die. Fever and infection could set in and take her easily.
    She slept for ten long days.
    Day after day passed as Rhona and Broderick kept watch over the lass. As each day passed he grew more concerned with her state. Why hadn’t she woken up yet? As the week progressed s he started to talk in her sleep, reliving dreams and nightmares, she called out for her family as she shed tears.
    Hearing Elisabeth’s voice reassured him she would make it, even if it was when she screamed during her nightmares. Rhona assured him the lass only needed time. She had a far walk back to the land of the living when she once stood on death’s doorstep.
    During the mornings and afternoons he left Elisabeth in Rhona’s care, in the evenings he never left her side. Each evening he would return to his room, hopeful to see her eyes staring back at him. Rhona in true fashion had taken it upon herself to sew the lass a new wardrobe as she sat with her. Over the ten days , dresses and tunics, leggings and beautiful gowns began line his wardrobe, all belonging to the sleeping warrior queen in his bed. Rhona was happy to create a new wardrobe for Elisabeth; she had once made all of his mother’s clothing as well. She was pleased to have a woman to design clothing for once again.
    In the

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