Promises Linger (Promise Series)

Promises Linger (Promise Series) by Sarah McCarty Read Free Book Online

Book: Promises Linger (Promise Series) by Sarah McCarty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah McCarty
    As soon as the ranch was flourishing, she’d kill him. She opened her mouth a fraction more. If he wanted it any wider, he’d have to get a pry bar.
    She soon discovered he didn’t need one. Only his tongue, which he slid through the slight opening with shocking smoothness. Her breath caught in her lungs as his taste flooded her mouth. She wanted to hate it, him, but he tasted of coffee and cinnamon. And it wasn’t unpleasant. She closed her eyes as he nibbled at her lower lip, sending sparks shooting through her body.
    “Kiss me back.”
    The words drifted into her mouth, his breath becoming hers as he tipped her head back, arching her back over his arm so the suddenly sensitive tips of her breasts pressed into his chest. Against her stomach she could feel the hard ridge of his erection. His tongue traced the full curve of her lower lip, taking her gasp as his own as she caught his shirt front in her grip and tentatively touched his tongue with hers.
    “Damn, darlin’, I love your mouth,” he whispered for her ears alone as the judge cleared his throat.
    “May I remind you two that I haven’t gotten to the part of the ceremony in which you kiss the bride?”
    Asa lifted his head and loosened his hold. “Just getting in some practice.”
    He didn’t look the least embarrassed while Elizabeth wished for a hole to crawl into.
    “I’d say you’re finished practicing and ready to move on.”
    Elizabeth opened her mouth to tell the judge what she thought of him. With a tip of his finger, Asa forestalled her plan, shutting her mouth and answering the judge. “Then I suggest we get this wedding underway so the moving on is nice and legal. Ready, darlin’?”
    There was absolutely nothing in the man’s voice to make her think he was amused, but as sure as she was choking on frustration, she knew Asa MacIntyre was having a good old time. She searched his face for confirmation, but the only indication to his mood was the way his eyes crinkled at the corners.
    If he dared laugh out loud, she decided, she’d kill him, and the ranch be damned. She’d found two husbands in as many days. Surely it wouldn’t be that hard to locate a third. He didn’t laugh, more the pity, and his vows were clear as a bell.
    Never hesitate, girl, or you’ll show yourself for the weak female you are.
    Her father’s voice rang in her ears. She locked her gaze with MacIntyre’s and made sure her vows were just as clear. She didn’t let herself think of anything beyond the moment, otherwise she knew she’d crumble into a useless ball of waffling indecision. Just when she didn’t think she could stand anymore, Judge Carlson snapped his Bible shut.
    “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
    As Asa placed his lips on hers, a shiver went down her spine.
    The ranch was safe. Now there was only the price to pay.

Chapter Three
    They arrived at the ranch at sundown. Even to Elizabeth’s loving eyes, the two-story ranch house looked bad. The place was in such a dire need of white wash, it was the dingy gray of poorly washed linens. The repair she’d made on the front steps fell in a shadow, which only served to enhance how much she’d botched that particular job. Someone had left the supplies on the porch, and chickens were now pecking at the dried corn scattered over the wood porch. One of the dogs or a coon had gotten into the bag of bacon, and, in search of more, had torn open the rest of the sacks. She wanted to cry. Instead, she squared her shoulders, and said, “I’m sorry.”
    “It’s a nice setting with those mountains in the background.”
    The tactful response surprised her.
    “Father said my Mamma called those mountains our Guardians. That they loomed over us like that to scare away evil.”
    “Yup. They could sure do that.”
    The buckboard stopped at the watering trough in front of the barn. The thirsty horse blew over the water. Asa’s horse, tied behind, whinnied hopefully. Asa

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