Breaking Free (Siren Publishing Classic)

Breaking Free (Siren Publishing Classic) by Grae McTavish Read Free Book Online

Book: Breaking Free (Siren Publishing Classic) by Grae McTavish Read Free Book Online
Authors: Grae McTavish
but Dad. The entire area was bought by moonshiners during Prohibition. They used the river to transport their illegal goods here, then loaded it onto cars to transport over land. From what I understand the operation was still up and running as late as a few decades ago. When the feds finally managed to shut things down, the property got tied up in red tape. A few years ago it went up for government auction, and I bought it. I’m not sure why I wanted to bring you here but somehow I knew you’d love it as much as I do. There used to be an old cabin, but it was crumbling. I tore it down last summer. Eventually I would love to build a house here, but for today, I just wanted to enjoy being alone with you.”
    Flipping up the visor on her helmet, Danny let her gaze roam over the paradise surrounding her. The sheer beauty stole her breath. Lush green grass met the rocky bank of the river. To the left was a low bluff, and she was startled to make out the foundation and framing of what appeared to be a house in progress.
    He slid off the bike and took off his helmet. He was searching her face for her reaction to this news and she saw the hope in his vivid eyes.
    “Oh, Gabe, it’s glorious!” She answered at last, struggling for a word adequate enough to describe the heaven before her. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.” Following him, she yanked her helmet off so she could get a better look.

    * * * *

    “Neither have I,” he whispered in awe, but his gaze was solely on her.
    “You know, I found something interesting this morning after you left for work,” he began, tentatively.
    Turning to him, Danny raised an eyebrow. “Snooping? I knew I should have never left you sleeping in my loft this morning.” Gabe laughed as she tried to sound serious but he saw the corners of her mouth twitching up into a smile.
    “Well, you see, my mom loved to read, like you, and she told me one time that if you want to know a person, look at what they like to read, so I decided to check out that huge bookshelf you have.” Gabe saw her throat work. She actually swallowed, fear or excitement he wondered. “At first I found nice, sweet chick lit, but then I made an interesting discovery.” He paused, as if gauging her reaction. She was sure she looked like a deer in the headlights, and she knew exactly what he’d found. He was fighting back a wicked smile. “It seems there was a secret row of books hidden behind the nice, sweet vanilla books.” Danny gulped, taking a step back. The knot in her stomach had turned into a legion of butterflies the size of bats. Gabe advanced.
    “It was quite a collection too. You had the classics like The Story of O and Anne Rice’s Sleeping Beauty Chronicles, as well as the modern ones, like Pamela’s Punishment and Taming Tamara .”
    “Oh God,” she whispered, taking another step back.
    Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Her mind screamed. Wesley had been shocked by even her mildest erotica. He would have been completely disgusted if he’d known her darkest desires. Surely not even Gabe was that open minded. Would he think her disgusting too?
    “Nothing to say besides that?” he teased, backing her up another few feet. She was going to be trapped between him and the bike in just a few more steps. She swallowed convulsively, her mouth moving, but no words came out. “Nothing, huh? Well, let me see if I can help you,” he taunted
    Danny froze when she felt the warm steel of the big bike at her back and the even warmer steel of her lover at her front. He caught her hair at the nape of her neck, tugging gently but firmly, arching her toward him. Leaning in, Gabe’s lips grazed the column of her neck, the curve of her chin. Hovering just above her lips, he paused to whisper, “I know what you want, Danny.” He kissed her long and deep, forcing her mouth wide, ravishing her lips, capturing her tongue with the sharp edges of his teeth. She whimpered as the stinging nip sent a bolt of electricity

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