Breaking Sin

Breaking Sin by Teresa Mummert Read Free Book Online

Book: Breaking Sin by Teresa Mummert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Mummert
Tags: Romance, Coming of Age, Young Adult
having without me. Eventually I stopped replying all together and the texts quit coming.
    I had gotten my grades back up to what they were before I had started hanging out with them and it was as if none of it had ever happened. I even met a guy who had taken me out on a few dates. His hair was dark like Collin’s but his eyes were a deep brown and he always had a smile on his face. Another major difference between John and Collin was I had never seen John raise a hand to anyone. He was the most caring and gentleperson I had ever met. He was everything I had ever wanted, but after spending so much time with Collin, I found myself growing bored with our game nights.
    “Let’s go out. I’m in the mood to have some fun.” I whined and John rubbed my cheek with his fingers.
    “I have a final to study for.” He shook his head.
    “Come on” I whined, sticking out my bottom lip for added effect.
    “How about we go out to dinner?” He put his pen down on his notebook.
    “Fine. How about Smokey’s?” I perked up at the thought of getting out. He made a face and I knew he was going to shoot down my idea.
    “You call that food?” He asked.
    “Whatever” I got up from the floor and began pulling clothes out of my closet, trying to find something nice to wear to whatever fancy restaurant he had in mind. He followed behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
    “I’m sorry, Sinthia.” He apologized and kissed my cheek. “We can go to your burger joint, if that’s what you want to do.” I felt guilty for throwing a temper tantrum. I liked John, I really did, but sometimes he came across as being better than I am.
    “It’s fine. We can go wherever you want.” I sighed heavily, tugging at a silk blouse in my closet. He turned me around and cupped my face in his hands.
    “Come on. Let’s go to Smokey’s.” He smiled, looking into my eyes. I leaned in to kiss him and he pecked me on the lips, pulling away quickly.
    The parking lot at Smokey’s was packed. We parked along the road and John complained the entire walk to the door about leaving his car out on the main street. I tried desperately not to roll my eyes at him. If I had a car as expensive as his, I would be worried about something happening to it too.
    We sat in the far corner of the restaurant because John could not stand the smoke that lingered around the other tables. When the server arrived to take our orders John ordered us two sodas and a Stromboli, not giving me the chance to speak.
    “Actually…” I spoke up and the server turned back around to face me. “I’ll have a beer.” She smiled and wrote down my drink order. I looked over at John who was making a face.
    “That sounds fun. I will have a beer as well. What do you have that’s imported?” he asked.
    “Umm…”She looked at me for help.
    “We will have two Buds.” I chimed in and she walked away quickly.
    “This should be fun.” He said as he looked around the room. Just then, the door opened and Collin’s green eyes locked on to mine. I sat up straighter, wishing I had listened to John about going somewhere else. He had a brunette under his arm and she placed her hand on his chest. Taylor, Beef and Jake followed behind.
    “What is it?” John asked, reaching over and placing his hand on mine. I pulled back, putting my hands on my lap.
    “Just some old friends of mine” He followed my eyes and caught site of who I was staring at.
    “Quite a colorful past you have Synthia.” He teased. I knew he was uncomfortable as he stared at Collins tattoos. “Invite them to join us.” He said, smiling.
    “No…no” I waved away the idea as the server set our drinks in front of us. I grabbed my beer and immediately drank half of it down in one sip.
    “Woah, Synthia. You are never going to be able to study tonight if you drink like that.” He pulled the beer from my hand. My cheeks burned

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