Breaking the Ice

Breaking the Ice by T. Torrest Read Free Book Online

Book: Breaking the Ice by T. Torrest Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Torrest
watched the stars as a few snowflakes flurried onto my face. I closed my eyes and sang along, trying to fully enjoy the warmth of my car at my back and the chill of the night along my front, but my brain wouldn’t shut off.
       I was leaving to head back to school the next day, and my mind was consumed with seeing Mike once I got back there. We’d been friends since my freshman year, but just started dating a few months ago. He only lived a couple towns away from me here at home, but he’d spent the Christmas break skiing out in Colorado with his family, so I hadn’t seen him since we drove home from Pennsylvania together.
       I knew I’d see him tomorrow, though.
       And I wasn’t much looking forward to breaking up with him.
       He was a great guy, and he was super cute, and really funny but… I don’t know. I wasn’t sure why someone who checked all the boxes didn’t send my heart racing whenever I thought about him. Shouldn’t I have felt more… well, more for him?
       It figured that at that exact moment, a certain familiar voice broke my reverie. “Wow. A hot chick listening to Bowie? I think I’m in love.”
       I didn’t open my eyes and simply broke into a smile as I said, “That’s funny coming from someone with a cold, dead heart.”
       “Ouch. Now that hurts, Ave.” I giggled as he added, “What are you doing out here?”
       “Thinking.” I finally cracked my lids to see Zac standing over me. “You’re blocking my sun,” I teased.
       “It’s January. And nighttime. And you’re wearing way too many clothes.” I laughed as he gave a tug to my ski hat, pulling it over my eyes. “You bring up an interesting point, though. How come I never get to see you in a bikini?”
       It was true that we didn’t ever hang out during the off-season. I didn’t even know why that was. Our association had always revolved around hockey, I guess. Summer was always the time for players to go back to their real lives.
       “It’s January. And nighttime,” I teased back.
       He shot me a dirty look as he took my hand. “C’mon, Nanook. Let’s get you inside.”
       I let him haul me off the car, then I locked everything up before following him into the bar. He was still holding my hand as we searched the room for Casey and Simon. Thank God I was wearing my mittens, because I was so nervous about this interesting turn of events that my palms were getting sweaty.
       When we finally found our friends, I gave Casey a wave with my free hand.
       “Well, look what the dog dragged in,” she busted.
       I laughed at her play on words. “Hey guys,” I greeted as I slid into the booth.
       When Zac skootched me over to sit down, I realized that we’d be playing foursome again. It looked as though tonight was going to be one of those atypical evenings where he spent more of his time with his friends instead of going on the prowl for his next conquest.
       Even though his conquests weren’t too difficult to come by.
      “I already ordered you guys a round,” Case said as she flagged down the waitress. “What took you so long?”
       Before I could respond, Zac jumped in. “I found her out front trying to freeze to death.”
       Casey tried to hide her smile when she said, “Nah. Avery has built up an immunity to the cold.”
       I knew what she was leading up to. I glared at her as I removed my coat and hat, trying to contain a grin as I warned, “Case, don’t say it…”
       “Hey, Avery. Why don’t you tell Simon and Zac about that night you spent in the penalty box!”
       “What?” the guys laughed out, waiting on my explanation.
       I shot Casey a dirty look. “It wasn’t the whole night,” I defended, twisting my hair into a ponytail.
       Zac leaned back in his seat and crossed his hands over his stomach. “Oh, now I just have to hear this one.”
       I groaned through a laugh, figuring there was no way to get out of telling the

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