
Brocreation by Ashley Rogers Read Free Book Online

Book: Brocreation by Ashley Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Rogers
It is present day.  Lights up on PAUL and RANDY’s apartment. There is a couch centre stage with a coffee table in front of it.  Stage right is a door leading to RANDY’s Bedroom.
    PAUL enters and slams the door.  He is carrying a human female arm with a piece of metal jutting out from the shoulder joint.  The fingernails are painted.  He slams the door locks it, puts the arm on the coffee table, and sits on the couch furiously rubbing his face in his hands.  He then puts his left hand to his ear and talks into his naked wrist.
    We’ve been compromised.  Repeat, we’ve been compromised!
(off stage)
    Paul, is that you?
    (To wrist)
    Must enact emergency protocol Alpha Sierra Sierra Delta India Charlie Kilo.  No, termination is not an option.
    RANDY enters.
    Hey Paul!
    End transmission.  Randy?!  Good, you’re here!
    Yeah. I was playing Destiny, putting off Professor Plumb’s stupid essay, but the game’s being all glitchy-
    I need help-
    The assignment is super clear dude, do you find Nabok/ov’s Lolita-
    Not with the essay!  I need you to do something-
    Does it have anything to do with that sweet robot arm?
    No not… sort of.
    It’s super realistic-
    Yeah- look, you need to-
    I think Ange has that nail / polish.
    Randy!  Shut up!  I don’t have time to explain but I need you to do some/thing.
    You spent all your rent money on that arm didn’t you?
    No you don’t understand-
    Don’t make this about me. You’re the one who wasted all his money on a prop, you’re always doing this spending your money on stupid crap and expecting me to pick up the rent bill.  Well Paul I’m not surprised but I’m still disa/
    PAUL kisses RANDY full on the mouth.
    We need to bang, right this very second.
    Paul I’m not gay.
    I know-
    I know you know because-
    I know because I’ve tried-
    Multiple times-
    So many times to get you to sleep with me but-
    Paul you’re a nice guy, fantastic roommate- albeit a financial clusterfuck- But Paul-
    If you don’t bang me I’ll die!
    You’re being desperate there buddy-
    I know how it sounds-
    I don’t think you do, because if you did you’d see how even if I were into it; that would ruin our whole roommate situation.
    Then marry me!
    Think about it!
    Stop it I’m not gay marrying you-
    It’s just a marriage.
    I’m a dude I’d be marrying another dude, that’s a gay marriage-
    Yeah but you don’t need to call it a gay marriage I don’t go gay swimming or gay renew my driver’s license-
    I’m still not into you like that-
    Fine then. Think of it as a monogamous relationship with your best friend and favourite roommate-
    So what, we get tax breaks and health insurance but… I could still get with chicks?
    No, monogamous, monogamous!
    I don’t bang other dudes!
    Then we wouldn’t bang!  You could just give up sex!  No?  Silence means no huh?  What if- what if I became a woman then!
    Not cool.
    I’ll get a sex change, we can get straight married and everyone wins!
    No and fuck you for suggesting that-
    PAUL makes an overdramatic shocked reaction.
    I cannot believe you could be so transphobic!  That you wouldn’t love me if I were a trans woman!
    I’m not transphobic-
    I don’t know Randy, you should probably, bang me now and prove it or else everyone will know what a transphobic douche you are.
    You’re the transphobic one!  Trying to exploit the struggle of a marginalized people,

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