Broken Heart 7.5 - The Adventures of Zombie Larry

Broken Heart 7.5 - The Adventures of Zombie Larry by Michele Bardsley Read Free Book Online

Book: Broken Heart 7.5 - The Adventures of Zombie Larry by Michele Bardsley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Bardsley
    “It’s an eyeball,” said Patsy Marchand. She glanced at her son, Wilson. He looked a little green around the gills. He nodded. He was trying very hard not to look at it.
    The eyeball was centered on the lid of a pickle jar. The lid lay on the kitchen island, nestled among the bowls of candy she’d been preparing for the Halloween party.
    “Where’d you find it?” she asked. She’d never been the squeamish sort, and ever since she’d become loup de sang , aka lycan-vampire, very little wigged her out.
    “It was here when I walked in to get some Kit Kats,” said Wilson.
    “I told you to leave the candy alone.”
    “It’s not like I can eat anything now,” he said. “There’s a freaking eyeball in our kitchen!”
    Patsy raised a finger and aimed for the eye.
    “Oh, my God. Mom, if you poke it, I’m gonna puke.”
    “What’s going on?” Gabriel strode into the kitchen looking like his usual fine self, and Patsy was instantly distracted by her husband. Was it bad to have the constant urge to lick him? He was her Halloween treat—and hella better than a Kit Kat.
    “I thought you were setting up the decorations.” She accepted his kiss, enjoying the tiny thrill the small contact initiated.
    “Eva kicked all the men out. She accused us of not helping.” He scoped out the bowls of candy. “I figured I’d grab some Kit Kats.”
    “I told you guys to keep your paws off the candy.” She pointed down. “Look what Wilson found.”
    Gabriel leaned over. “It’s an eyeball. Nice touch.”
    “It’s real,” she said. “See all the red, stringy parts?”
    Wilson made a gagging sound, and ran toward the sink. “Gross, gross, gross!”
    “ Really? ” asked Patsy. “I thought I raised you to be less girly.”
    “I don’t apologize for finding someone’s ripped out eye hurl-worthy.” He leaned over the sink and took in deep breaths. “I’m reacting like a normal person. You’re the freak.”
    “Thanks, son.”
    “Whose do you think it is?” asked Gabriel.
    “Well, did you see anyone with only one eye, possibly screaming and clutching their face, wandering around our house?”
    Gabriel actually took a minute to think about it. “Nope. How about that Kit Kat?”
    “Dude!” Wilson sucked in half the room’s oxygen. Then he turned around and marched out muttering about his parents, the mental patients.
    “What do we do about it?” asked Patsy.
    “We could ask Eva if she wants to use it for decorations.”
    “I see why you got kicked out.” Patsy grabbed a handful of Kit Kats and pushed them into her husband’s hand. “C’mon. We need to check out how the haunted house is coming along.”
    Holding hands, they left the kitchen.
    A few minutes later, Jenny Matthews O’Halloran skipped into the kitchen. She paused, then turned and gestured to her companion. “C’mere. Told you I found it!”
    The man paused in the doorway. He was dressed in a dark suit with shiny black shoes. His hair was wispy, and his skin tinged gray. “Uuuuhhh.”
    Jenny dug in one of the drawers and took out a small, metal tube. Then she squeezed the substance over the back of the eyeball.
    Carefully she picked up the lid and walked very slowly over to her new friend. “Here you go, Larry. Put it in quick. I put Super Glue on it, so it should stay in now.”
    “Uuuuhhh.” The man plucked the eyeball from the lid. He tried to stick it into his socket, but missed and the orb landed on his forehead.
    Jenny tried to help, but Larry had gotten one of his fingers stuck in the glue. So now his hand and his eye were stuck to his forehead. After a minute of Jenny pulling on his arm, his hand came away, but his finger skin stayed put. It hung off the side of the eyeball like a little bat wing.
    Jenny cocked her head and considered the problem. “It doesn’t look that

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