Bubbles Ablaze

Bubbles Ablaze by Sarah Strohmeyer Read Free Book Online

Book: Bubbles Ablaze by Sarah Strohmeyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Strohmeyer
blowing you up? It’s so violent.”
    â€œDon’t take offense, but my personal opinion is it was one of Stinky’s practical jokes that got out of hand. I was hoping maybe you’d heard from him so we could clear this mess up. I’d like tofind out if I’ve offended him or ticked him off in such a way that he needed to get back at me.”
    At the mention of Stinky’s name, Roxanne’s face melted. “I haven’t heard ‘boo’ from the Stinkster. After Donohue told me that you spotted the Lexus there, I worried Stinky blew up, too.” Tears sprung from the corners of her eyes. “He hasn’t even called me to say he’s okay.”
    â€œI’m sure he’s okay,” I said, although I doubted that highly. I put my arm around her and squeezed her shoulder. “Stinky’s fine.”
    â€œYou don’t know. Stinky hasn’t been fine for some time.” She turned away and wiped her cheeks with the backs of her hands. I couldn’t help but notice a pair of glittery amethyst earrings and matching necklace. Stiletto was right. No matter how weirded out Stinky might be these days, he was doing very well—at least financially.
    â€œGotta keep positive,” she said, sniffling. “Say, where’s that well-hung hunk of yours, Stiletto?”
    â€œStiletto’s having a problem with the rented Crown Victoria.” I nodded in a what-can-you-do way. “I’m sure he’ll be around.” Oh, yes. He’d be around.
    â€œA Crown Victoria. My, my.” Roxanne fanned herself at the thought. “Nice to have boku bucks. Is it true that he’s a millionaire?”
    It was true but not a fact Stiletto was proud of. In Stiletto’s mind the wealth he had inherited from Henry Metzger, his heartless stepfather, was dirty money. Out of nostalgia he maintained the family mansion back in Saucon Valley, an exclusive suburb for steel executives near Lehigh, but he had set aside the rest for charity and still kept his apartment in New York. We didn’t talk about his portfolio much.
    â€œHe lives mostly on his AP salary,” I said. “Anyway, what’s this about—”
    â€œI hear he’s got a set of shoulders on him that could build Rome,” Roxanne interrupted, her eyes gleaming.
    â€œMore like Easton.”
    â€œThat’ll do,” she said. “And to think of you stuck with that chastity vow. Girl, I’d have thrown myself on that man without so much as a howdy-do.”
    I would have thrown myself on him if it hadn’t been for that bogus fax sent by your crazy husband, I thought ruefully.
    â€œSo what do you mean by Stinky hasn’t been fine for some time?” I asked.
    I expected Roxanne to tell me what a rat her blackmailing psycho husband had been. Instead she said, “I did an awful thing, cousin. Just awful.” She brushed back a strand of copper hair. “Coffee, sugar?”
    Was that an offer of coffee or coffee with sugar? “Thanks,” I said, perching myself on a padded stool by the makeup counter.
    â€œYou know that he quit his six-figure job at McMullen Coal, right?” Roxanne poured the coffee.
    â€œSix-figure job? What are they mining over there, gold?”
    â€œThat was a recent salary hike. Stinky was making one-sixth that before.” She dumped two spoonfuls of sugar in each cup. Gag. “Early this year, McMullen Coal moved Stinky off maps and over to special projects where he got tons more money and even two new cars. We were in heaven for about six months and then . . . I probably shouldn’t talk about it.”
    â€œThen Stinky got fired for going wacko. Donohue told me.”
    â€œThat’s a bunch of bull, if you pardon my French.” She held out her pinky. “Pinky promise to keep this quiet, just between you and me. Because I definitely do not want this to get out around town.”
    I dreaded

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