Burial of hearts the black widow's malice

Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham Read Free Book Online
Authors: N Parnham
themselves, Werdo stood up to announce the rules of the games.
    “Entry is a thousand coin, you
may choose your bet amount, but a minimum of fifty coins does apply; there will
be three rounds; the payout will be based on the amount of bets placed, now
please prepare your coin”.
    One by one, each of the players
gave their thousand coins over to Werdo. Not only were those seated taking
part, but also a large crowd stood aside of the platform as well. The piles of
coin soon mounted up; I could see the eyes of many lighting up at the prospect
of victory, their plans of indulging in luxurious items shown quite clearly.
     “So, what is this game then,
a card game? Rune stones? ”. I said intrigued.
    Werdo brought over to the table
two metal platters enclosed with wooden covers. Lifting the first then the
second, he asked for everyone to make a choice.
    “Seriously? We are betting on
wingleybugs? (A small creature similar to that of a caterpillar) You have to be
kidding me… ”.
    Operk turned to me in reply:
    “These are no ordinary wingleybugs; they are imported from quite far away, they lavish on brutality
and war”.
    Raising my eyebrows, I cupped my
face in my hands; I might as well watch grass battle soil, be just as good to
bet coin on.
    “Avis, choose one ”. Operk
said growing irritated.
    “Fine, that one”. Pointing at the
bug to the right.
    Everyone was given a chance to
place their bets. My bug had three to one odds against it, with a two hundred
coin bet; waste of effort if you ask me.
    Uncovering the wingleybugs again
everyone stopped what they were doing and intensely glared at the conflict that was soon to arise…; both opponents were of equal size, the only
difference being their colouration. They swept back and forth as they faced
away from each other in utter disregard; one reaching the edge of the platform
it turned back upon itself and with seeing the rival, an almighty squeal came forth; almost causing my ears to implode. They raised their bodies,
growing grander, until to my disbelief, they were almost ten times their
original size. Their eyes drew blood unto them, their mouths opening, drenched
with some poisonous looking fluid, whilst showing a ferocious set of teeth.
Lurching forward, they moved much faster than they previously had, ripping at
the others flesh in a display of brutal dominance. The crowd roared with each
blow to the other, until finally mine was declared the victor, destroying the
foe in a somehow merciful way.
    “Well that was unexpected ”.
I said in a surprised manner; Operk gave me a well-rehearsed grin.
    Werdo took the victor away,
returning shortly after for another round of ruthless warfare, and again, to
the amusement of Operk, mine was victorious.
    The final round was upon us; what
remained of the runners up, was strewn upon the platform. The two victors ready
to fight their way into the history books, to be crowned a hero among
bugs. The odds were much higher on this occasion, fifty to one, with a thousand
coin bet. Most involved in the gambling had chosen to back the larger of the
two opponents, but to the dismay of Operk I had chosen the smaller. The fight
had begun; strike after strike, they wore down at each other. At this point the
contest had caught a slight hint of my interest, but not enough to warrant a
joy. It seemed as though the one I had backed was about to lose; Operk had
lowered his head, not wishing to watch as he lost his coin. When all hope was
all but vanquished, my bug fought with all the strength it had left, leaping
back up and roaring mightily; the bug’s mouth rotated, like an out of control
wheel, causing all around it to be sucked in; even the trees strong as they may
be drooped down, as the people who had gathered held onto anything they could.
With the intensity so great the rival could no longer withstand being drawn in,
sliced to a slush, by the unforgiving fangs.
    “ Yes ”. Operk rose in
exhilaration, embracing me in his arms

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