Burial of hearts the black widow's malice

Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham Read Free Book Online

Book: Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham Read Free Book Online
Authors: N Parnham
late afternoon and the sun was
starting to gradually depart from the grand stage in the sky; I could still
smell the odours in the air of the food we ate earlier that morning. Flocks of
birds flew past; occasionally I could make out their forms through the small
gaps in the forest tops, swooping elegantly with one and another in a display
of skill.
    Close by was a small pond
surrounded by dwindling undergrowth; the odd plant here and there managed to
fight off the fatal blow the water was issuing to life around it, but for the
most part, the land before it lay barren. The pond itself was stagnant, there
seemed to be no source for the water, so I assume it was just collected from
the frequent downpours of rain. The smell emanating from the pond was quite
unpleasant, as if creatures had been drawn in to take their final breaths of
life, then left to decay; excluded from a righteous passing.
    I quickly hurried back to the
village, swatting away little flying pests as I went by, departing with Zinmbe
and cautiously thanking her for the help she had given to me today, even if it
was untoward in practice.
    “Avis, come over here, I have it
ready”. Operk was holding a garment in front of him, with a small beam of glee
on his face.
    “So… what do you think? I am
quite fond of it personally, I assume you like it? ”.
    Putting out my arms to hold the
garment, I inspected his craftsmanship. As requested it was an opal red, he had
also lined the sides with a black lace material; unlike most men of the time he
did have some decorum, the top was not revealing, actually it did not reveal
anything at all; it was a garment designed to last and to keep me warm. I could
not see any way a dirty mongrel could try and undo it with any form of
ease and this pleased me significantly.
    “Thank you, it is flawless, may I
try it on? ”.
    “ Of course , I will wait
here, you may use my home to try it on if you wish”.
    Entering his dwelling, I was
greeted by a mountain of useful clutter; sequins, fabrics, threads of many
colours, even pots and pans were thrown about in a colourful display of
organised chaos. Slipping off my clothing whilst ensuring no one was having a
peek at my dainty figure, I raised the garment around me and fastened it
tightly. What a perfect fit, it was snug and warm, yet not overpowering.
Lifting one of the pans strewn about the floor, I caught a view of my
reflection, unclear as it may be; I was very pleased with what Operk had
accomplished and wanted to thank him some way.
    “It is surreal, thank you so much, how can I ever repay your kindness”. I said excitedly.
    “No, no that is fine, but
perhaps… are you any good with gambling? We have a small challenge soon to
begin, you could bet on my behalf; if you win I could even give you some coin, if I am feeling generous”.
    “Well, I have not gambled before,
but I will… give it a go? ”.
    “Good, come over with me to the
meeting area, we should get settled before the games start”.
    I followed, with little interest in where I was going; my legs drifting loosely as I walked, in a sense
a mediocre form of protest at gambling, each to their own I suppose, but I for
one will not be wishing away my coin.
    The area had been cleared from
the meal before, stone blocks were placed in various supportive positions, in
order to hold up a large wooden platform; I am presuming for gambling purposes.
Surrounding the platform was around twenty cushioned stools, the fabric indigo
with embellished imagery; I could tell the chairs had not been used for some
time, wood rot had begun to grab hold in many of the chairs, which you could
detect through the distinct aroma in the air.
    “Come hither ye old folk of
Yilesul, make merry, the games henceforth shall begin”.
    “Werdo, speak as you do usually…
”. Jonule said whilst he gave him a firm look.
    “Very well. Gather around for the
games are soon to begin… better? ”.
    “Much… ”.
    Once everyone had

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