Burn My Soul Part 1

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Book: Burn My Soul Part 1 by Holly Newhouse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Newhouse
Tags: new adult paranormal romance
as if he can eat me up all night long, and still have enough left to consider it dessert. Yet, when I try to approach, he's gone. I'm left wondering time and time again, if I'm going insane." I sigh heavily once again wondering if I'll ever see him again. I stand and slide my hands down my hips and outer thighs, smoothing the dress back down where it belongs after it has risen dangerously high.
    Franklin's eyes are mesmerizingly trapped as he watches her hands slide over her body, desperately wishing with all his heart, they were his. He knows he's going to kill anyone who so much as smiles at her!
    "As you wish, my beautiful and sensuous mate, you will see me tonight. No one had better dare to claim to you, or your soul, or I will have them burned for all eternity in the liquid vat of hellfire!" Franklin growls fiercely under his breath as he watches her beautiful backside swaying and taunting him as she disappears from his sight.
    Franklin jumps off the wall like a graceful but lethal predatory panther seeking out its prey. He enters the mansion only to find Damien inside, laughing at him.
    Ignoring Damien's laughter, Franklin heatedly explains where the girls are heading. Damien's smirk gets even bigger anticipating what Franklin's really saying. He chuckles as he calls the club, leaving instructions for all of his demons working that night. Then gives specific instructions to Xavier, his most trusted demon doorman and bouncer for the club.
    "Hurry up and get yourself all pretty already. We wouldn't want to let your sexy lady down. Speaking of down, unless you want every demoness in the club chasing you around, you might want to take care of that as well." Damien chuckles at the bulge Franklin's sporting along with the instant heat creeping up on his face.
    Hell, Jinny looks so fine tonight, I think I'll ask her for a very slow and sensual dance." Damien laughs evilly, intentionally provoking Franklin until he choke slams him into the nearest wall. Franklin's eyes are the deepest red he's ever seen them in a rage such as he is now.
    "Go near her or even look at her body and Prince or not, I'll kill you myself right where you stand!" Franklin growls menacingly just before he lets Damien go. He paces back and forth like a caged animal just waiting to attack the hand that feeds him.
    "Touchy, touchy! Yes, she definitely is your soul mate come back from the dead. I can clearly see that now. I suggest then, that you mark her innocent, juicy, body before myself or another does it." Prince Damien says, with calm nonchalance and smirks when Franklin allows his inner demon full reign at the thought of another touching his woman, his mate.
    "I wondered if it really was her. The possibility of her being reborn, so many centuries after her final death is exceptionally rare. And yet, watching your reactions, my doubts have ceased. It certainly explains why you've been completely out of sorts these past twenty one years." Damien ponders.
    "What do you mean?" Franklin growls again.
    "Your soul must have felt the connection and pull to hers the moment she was born on some unconscious level. I've only seen you act this demonic twice before. Both times, it was because of her and the deep connection between you both. One I've never understood that is, until I met Madi."
    "Do you really think so?"
    "Yes. I do. It further explains why you've been almost constantly aroused since Monday when other women's attentions over the centuries have made you literally sick. Man, you do the math." Damien smirks again at his best friend.
    They both take a few moments to get dressed then teleport to the club in record time. They both chuckle as they see how shocked, their employees are at their presence. They are all under Damien's protection. It's a known fact that in their species, owners of clubs rarely show up to enjoy the places they own. Especially, when one of them, just so happens to be the prince of their species.

Chapter 4

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