Butterfly Palace

Butterfly Palace by Colleen Coble Read Free Book Online

Book: Butterfly Palace by Colleen Coble Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colleen Coble
Tags: Ebook
were married. Lily understands fashion, and she’s quite a good seamstress. She will be an ally when you go to your married home too.”
    “She’s much too pretty.” Belle bit her lip as though she was sorry she’d let the words slip out.
    Mrs. Marshall laughed. “She’s no competition for you.”
    “I’ll think about it.”
    “I’m not sure you have a choice. You’ll have to discuss it with your uncle if you decide against my best advice.” Mrs. Marshall opened the door.
    Lily swallowed hard. Was this to be her life? Running after a spoiled young woman who didn’t know her own mind from one moment to the next?

    T he stain on the green dress could no longer be seen. Lily hung it in the closet. Her gaze swept the room. She’d only been here a day, but she still gaped at the opulence. She allowed herself a chance to really take in the bedroom.
    The curtains at the French doors were silk. The rich color on the wall was of the highest quality. The bedclothes were the softest satin. And the closet! Lily had never seen so many dresses and shoes.
    Emily peeked her white-capped head in. “Mrs. O’Reilly sent me to train you.” She stepped into the room. “I’ll help you make the bed. The sheets were just changed yesterday.”
    Emily had taken the news of Lily’s possible promotion with only a flicker of her lids, but Lily knew the other woman had wanted this position. “That would be lovely. Emily, I really don’t want this job, you know. I’m hoping Belle says no.”
    Emily shrugged. “So you say.”
    “It’s true. I—I need a friend here, and we are to share a room. It will be quite uncomfortable if you’re angry with me.”
    “I’m not angry. Just perplexed over how you managed this so quickly.”
    “I did only what I was asked to do. Truly. Things just happened after that.”
    Emily lifted her head and studied Lily’s face. “I think I’ll be stuck in the kitchen forever.” Her eyes brightened. “Could you teach me what you know? About hair and fashion, I mean?”
    “Of course! I brought my Godey’s books, and we can look at them at night.”
    Emily smiled and looked around the room. “Has Miss Belle given you instructions on how she likes things done yet? You’ll need to know whether or not she takes you on as her maid.”
    Lily shook her head. “She went on a drive with Mr. Vesters.”
    “She likes her sheets washed every three days. The morning room floor is to be swept every morning with fresh linen laid before she gets up.” She pointed. “Miss Belle calls the veranda her morning room though it’s outside. Confusing, I know.”
    “I didn’t get that done this morning. I wasn’t sure what was to be done.”
    Emily shrugged. “You only had three hours of sleep.”
    “None, really. I never fell asleep last night. It was too loud and strange.”
    Emily’s merry hazel eyes sparkled. “It’s a lively city for sure. Anyway, she likes every gown cleaned after wearing. Just under the arms and any spots. She won’t wear it any longer once she’s worn it three times.”
    “Just three times?” Lily couldn’t imagine such waste.
    “We usually get her castoffs.” Emily’s smile widened. “Though where she expects us to wear something so grand, I have no idea. I’ve gotten three so far, and I’ve taken off trim and made them a little plainer so I can wear them to church.”
    “You’re allowed to go to church?”
    “We take turns. I get to go once a month. I’ll let Mrs. O’Reillyknow you’d like to go too.” Emily moved to the bed and pulled off the sheets. “Miss Belle likes the bed made from scratch so the sheets are taut and without wrinkles.”
    Lily went to the far side of the bed and began to help Emily make it. Emily showed her how to make the corner tight. Lily had never seen it done so precisely. Suddenly, she wanted to get back on the train and ride it straight to Larson.
    Emily stared at her. “You’re looking a little blue. You’ll get the hang of

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