BWWM Interracial Romance 1: Professional Relations
you’re ridiculously beautiful? I’ve been acting like an idiot, I know, but I couldn’t… can’t… deal with how distracting you are.” He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. “I wanted to keep you away from me because whenever you’re in the room I can’t pay attention to anything.”
    Regina sat down heavily, her knees giving out as the force of Bradley’s words hit her.
    “I didn’t want to work with you because I’m afraid of my own ability to get anything done when I work with you.”
    Regina tried to suppress the violent upheaval of emotions she felt. “How on God’s green earth is it my fault if you can’t focus on your work when I’m around?” she asked him, confused and frustrated—and unbearably turned on.
    Bradley took another deep breath, and Regina realized he was working hard to calm himself. “It’s not your fault. It’s my fault. I’m sorry, Regina.” His blue eyed gaze fastened on her face. “I shouldn’t have kissed you. Not without asking if you wanted it. I haven’t been attracted to a woman since… for a long time.”
    Regina saw the pain in his eyes when he admitted the last, and her anger began to dissolve. She stood once more, her knees like jelly and her heart pounding. “I didn’t actually say that I didn’t want it,” she said softly.
    Bradley looked at her, staring for a long moment before he began to lean in once more. Regina didn’t move as he brushed his lips against hers once more, deepening the kiss gradually. His hands came to rest at her waist, and Regina felt the heat of his body through her clothes. She was trembling not with fear but instead with desire, wrapping her arms around Bradley’s shoulders to anchor her against the weakness of her body. Bradley pressed her body against his, holding her tightly as his hands began to move along her curves. Regina moaned softly, arching into his touch as Bradley cupped her breasts through her clothes, moving down to her hips the next moment.
    He lifted her up onto the conference room table and slipped between her legs in a whisper of fabric. Regina was overwhelmed—she shouldn’t let this continue, but the lust pounding in her veins wouldn’t let her put a stop to it.
    Bradley broke away from the kiss, looking at her with concern. “If you don’t want this, tell me,” he said, his hands pausing in their explorations. “I don’t want this to be me taking advantage of a coworker.”
    Regina laughed lowly. “Take all the advantage you want,” she replied.
    Bradley’s face lit up with a smile—the first genuine, pleasant smile that Regina had ever seen on him—and he chuckled, leaning in to kiss along her neck. Regina tilted her head back, moaning softly as the brush of Bradley’s lips sent thrills of sensation through her body, traveling directly to her already-slick sex. She gasped as Bradley’s teeth grazed her skin, nipping at the sensitive spot just above her collar bones before he moved back up to her lips. His fingers found the bottom of her blouse, tucked into her pants, and tugged it free, quickly moving to unbutton it.
    Regina’s hands shifted from Bradley’s shoulders, finding the lapels of his blazer and pulling them apart. Bradley shrugged out of the garment, returning to the process of getting rid of Regina’s shirt, fumbling slightly in his haste. Regina started at the top of his shirt; quickly freeing each button as Bradley kissed her hungrily, pushing his hips up against hers. She could feel the evidence of his desire, the hard ridge of his erection straining at his fitted trousers, pressing up against her. She was surprised at the fact that she felt such intense attraction to him—that she was so incredibly turned on so quickly. Regina would never have thought that she would experience lust again in her life; certainly not so soon, and certainly not with a man like Bradley.
    Bradley guided her shirt away from her body, letting it fall to the table behind her as he cupped her

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