Cadence of Love

Cadence of Love by Willow Brooke Read Free Book Online

Book: Cadence of Love by Willow Brooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Brooke
compared to the life that waited ahead. Breaking protocol, they stepped in and blasted the bastards. The team managed to capture the leader of the insurgents, and gathered enough information to know he was low on the totem poll. With enough ‘encouragement’, they could have easily gathered enough intel to find out who was behind it all. After they radioed it in, they had been instructed to release the prisoner. No explanation had been given, just release him without further action and return to base. Either they were trying to cover up something, had bigger plans that needed this man free, or maybe the higher ups didn’t think it was worth their time to take down the militia groups. Whatever the case, it was bullshit.
    It cost them a major ass chewing and four months of shit detail, or having to shovel and burn the contents of the porta johns that had been sitting in over one hundred ten degree temps for a week but had been worth every gagging moment. Article 15 threats had been made, and it was clear that if their actions were repeated the brig held a reserved cell for them. Each one had verbalized the heaping amount of bullshit it was to let that warlord go, and they all regretted it still to this day. The Army had become more about politics than bringing justice. Everything they stood for seemed to clash with the military’s ideas of productivity. Refusing to kneel and suck it, or take it in the ass, they all walked away as a family…of brothers and sister.
    When they arrived back on U.S. soil, the group had come to an agreement and all stepped away from the only thing they knew how to do. The civilian world had been harder than they thought. Doubts and regrets had already started slipping into their heads, until they had stumbled on these two little women who were now driving away.
    Their two dinner guests gave him a sense of meaning and family, and he was infatuated by them both. They had planned to haul ass to Montana to start work and get a jump on fixing the farm up, but this detour was going to take longer, and was well worth it. “Okay, she turned left. Let’s go.” He hopped in and fired up the huge motor, rattling the windows of the diner they had just enjoyed. Brody was sitting shot gun and buckled faster than he could crank it and put it into gear, ready for the covert chase as much as he. It wasn’t long before they spotted her ahead, so he slowed and waited to see where she turned. She drove out of town and down a twisty mountain road, speeding a little too fast for his liking.
    “Why is she going so fast? Whether she knows this road or not, she is too tired to be able to react in time if something happens!” Brody’s voice shook with irritation and fear.
    “She is doing the speed limit, bro. I agree she shouldn’t be allowed to walk right now given the information we gathered tonight, much less behind a wheel. This is what makes what we are doing justified. We are going to have to have a conversation about the future soon, Brody.”
    “I think we are on the same page, but we will. I see the look in your eyes when you look at her, and it mirrors my feelings. After meeting Elizabeth tonight, this is more than us helping her. This is a lot bigger than that.”
    “Yes, it is. I think she likes us too… Did you see her squirm a few times when we invaded her space? I went from wanting her for one night to just wanting her. She is special, and we need to tread lightly. We just met her, and need to take things slow obviously, but this could possibly lead somewhere. They have been through more than she leads on I think.” Leland went silent, watching the taillights closely. Headlights peaked around one of the harder curves ahead and his knuckles went white. It was a semi-truck, taking the corner faster than he should have and veering into their lane to compensate.
    “Fuck! Leland, she is going to get hit!” Brody leaned forward and gripped the dash, sitting on the edge of his seat both literally

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