stays the same color, as do her eyes. My female must be red, like my mother was, like my grandmother must have been. When I was small, father would take me in the woods when it was time for certain tribe leaders to find their mate. The females were so beautiful with their flowing blood red hair and matching skin, then changing to the oranges of the next tree and foliage. Their brilliance with their quick changes must be why a leader can change to suit his environment. The action must come from the mother. I want no pink son. Even as a youth I was drawn to our females’ beauty. Their stunning color, every stunning color was a magnet.”
“But stealing another mate goes against everything we know…”
“Are you saying you and my warriors want death? Are you saying you are willing to defy me, your leader, and die when all I want is to keep you safe, as I have for all this time? I get no joy from my decision; it pains me I’m not considered worthy. I failed my warriors when they have never failed me. I have to do something.”
“You are leader; the decision is ultimately yours in the end, my friend. Your warriors will go out of their way to make a female’s stay as acceptable as possible; we will love any heir regardless of how he comes to us. But, a warrior tribe leader will battle every day for the return of his mate. We won’t win in the end if we’re all dead. Death of warriors from fighting other tribes is rare, but for the sake of a mate it will happen. Anarchy will rule. You’d need to be so frightening the female’s preferred mate would wait until you handed her back. It’s not possible,” Zenon argued. “I mean no disrespect, but even you aren’t that powerful. It won’t work, tribe leaders are too strong.”
Growing angry, Cage turned into a creature Cyra called a lion and not just any lion. Massive claws grew from his paws; enormous fangs top and bottom dripped saliva, a horn from a creature called a rhino protruded from his head. His breath puffed out in smoke. Cage manipulated the fearsome attribute of a number of animals into the one until satisfied. Spikes adorned his back. Rising onto his hind legs, massive paws swatting the air inches from Zenon, he offered an ear splitting war cry. The human female screamed; he had woken her. Zenon jumped back. He stared at Cage in fear until he started laughing. A broad smile curved his lips.
“Shit, that’s scary. If you weren’t my leader, I’d be on the ground in terror. This might just work,” Zenon said.
“It will work. Have my warriors search the forest for a female searching for her mate. I want as many as you can find and I will choose the best.” Cage shook the animal off.
“In the meantime?”
“The human female is injured, as I said. She has many fears. I will coax enough from her to keep my people safe while you search. When she is better, and I have my new female, I will be privy to new fears. Trust in me. If I am to prove again to the Mountain I am worthy, I will. If for nothing more than my son.”
“And after you have your son and the other female is returned? What of your prisoner?”
Cage wondered about that. He couldn’t give one of his warriors a female. There would be mayhem. There was no mention of a simple warrior ever mating or creating a child. Cage would be responsible for the human regardless of what he chose. The idea was annoying. He should be spending the rest of his life with his own female meant for him. A female who was supposed to love and care for him. He had proven he could protect his tribe from malicious traders who came to their planet. Cage had kept his entire tribe of warriors safe when alien species attacked. It wasn’t fair his mate was taken from him. He deserved a female.
Cage knew his mother loved him. She hugged him and fawned over him. His father was a hard man, a good leader. His mother kept her distance from his father more often than not. It was what his father wanted. Cage wanted more. He