Caging the Wolf (Snowdonia Wolves)

Caging the Wolf (Snowdonia Wolves) by Sofia Grey Read Free Book Online

Book: Caging the Wolf (Snowdonia Wolves) by Sofia Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sofia Grey
to, girls? I’m a stranger here.” He hitched the pack higher on his shoulder, and smiled. Jesus . That smile was doing funny things to me. I shoved away the memories of dancing with him, of his molasses sweet voice in my ear, his hands on my skin.
    Inside, I jumped up and down, and pointed at him, while squealing like a little girl. You’re real. Really real. With Becca beside me, I had to behave normally, and try to pretend I’d met him in the usual way. All the questions I wanted to ask would have to come later.
    Becca snagged us a table at the nearest café, chatting with Levi as we sat down. I followed in a daze and rapidly tried to pull myself together. I couldn’t stop staring at him. I wanted to touch his chest, rub my knuckles across his delicious stubble, and to convince myself he was really there.
    “So,” she began in a bright voice. “You met in Wellington? That’s cool. Are you here on holiday? Or did you fall madly in love with Jess and follow her half-way around the world?”
    Levi’s smile was for me alone. It promised sin and pleasure in equal portions, and I felt my cheeks heat. How did he do that? Just one look and I was squirming in my seat. “Something like that,” he murmured. Dipping into the little bowl on the table, he pulled out four sachets of sugar and dumped them all in his black coffee. Becca and I both watched, bemused. “What? I need the energy.” The lazy smile flashed again. “I’ve been awake for most of the past thirty hours, and I’m going to crash soon. Can you tell me where I can find a backpackers?”
    I forestalled Becca’s question. “They’re called hostels here, and I’ve no idea. Where were you planning to go?”
    He shrugged. “I’ve got friends in Snowdonia. I was heading there.”
    Becca leaned forward, her drink forgotten. “It’s hours away, do you have a car? And if you’re tired, you shouldn’t try to drive so far.” She glanced at me, and winked. “I could put up a folding bed for you above the pub if you like. It wouldn’t be very comfortable, though.”
    Levi opened his mouth, but Becca continued. “Hang on. Don’t you have a spare room at your mum’s, Jess?”
    They both looked at me, Becca the picture of innocence, and Levi with amusement. “Yes, we do. You’re welcome to stay at my parents.”
    Fifteen minutes of small talk later, we all squeezed into Becca’s car along with Levi’s pack, and our shopping, and then we headed for home. We would have stayed longer, but Levi looked wiped out and ready to crash at any minute.
    When Becca parked outside Mum’s, she gave me a quick hug. “Come and see me tomorrow. I want to know everything .” She’d be lucky. I didn’t know anything myself. At least, not yet.
    Of course, Mum and Dad were both already home, so there was still no chance to talk privately with Levi. I’d texted Mum to warn her, and they both came to meet Levi the moment we opened the door.
    “Sorry about this,” I muttered. I fully expected a cheerful welcome for him. My parents loved to meet my friends, and were usually perfectly genial hosts.
    I closed the front door. “Mum, Dad, this is Levi.” I was in the process of wriggling out of my coat when I realised my parents—and Levi—were all silent.
    Dad sniffed the air, like a hunting dog scenting a rabbit. His eyes narrowed and he took a step forward. “Come with me, Levi. Let’s go and talk in the kitchen.”

Chapter Fourteen
    Dad closed the kitchen door with a firm clunk behind him, and I was left staring at Mum. “What the hell? Levi only wants to stay the night, not move in or anything.” Dad had never behaved like this before.
    “I don’t know, love.” Taking my arm, she guided me to the living room. “He’ll have good reason though. Let’s give them a few minutes to talk before we go and rescue your boy.”
    I dropped my bags on the carpet and sank into an armchair next to the Christmas tree. As usual, it was completely overloaded with sparkly

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