Call It Destiny

Call It Destiny by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Call It Destiny by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: english eBooks
    „You’ll have to explain the process,“ he said evenly as he came to stand beside Heather. „I’ve never done this before.“
    „Your education was definitely lacking. Use that little brush to slather the melted butter on the buns and then throw the little suckers on the grill behind the hamburgers. They’ll all be ready at the same time – like magic. We’re only dealing with eight burgers here. Heck, in a pinch I can handle almost five times that many.“
    „Your education, apparently, was more complete than mine.“ With careful strokes Jake began painting the buns a golden color with the melted butter. Then, wary of the spattering grill surface, he set them down in a neat row beyond the burgers. Behind him the kitchen staff watched in fascination.
    A few minutes later the eight burgers were finished, neatly sandwiched into their buns and ready for delivery to the poolside. Chef Richards exhaled deeply.
    „One thing is certain,“ he chuckled. „The two of you will never go hungry. You can always get jobs as short-order cooks somewhere. By the way,“ he went on more formally. „May I take this opportunity to extend the congratulations of my staff and myself. We were all very happy to learn of your forthcoming marriage.“
    „Thank you,“ Jake responded equally formally. His arm settled around Heather’s narrow waist in a possessive manner.
    „And thank you for the tour, Julian,“ Heather added quickly as Jake escorted her toward the door. „I’ll be back.“
    „Anytime, Miss Strand. Anytime.“
    „As usual – “ Jake murmured as they stepped out into the mounting heat of the summer day „ – you’ve made another conquest. The kitchen staff is now yours to command.“
    „Actually, I thought you took commands fairly well yourself back there. Hard to believe you’ve never had to cook hamburger buns on a grill before.“
    „Your directions were very clear,“ he told her dryly.
    „And you carried them out well. I’m beginning to think everyone around here may be right.“
    „About what?“
    „About us making a good team.“
    Jake tugged her to a halt. „I’ve been telling you that all along.“
    „So you have. So has my father. And so has the rest of the family.“ Heather smiled. „And you’re quite certain you won’t mind working for a woman?“
    He hesitated, as if choosing his words with care. „I think I can work with you, Heather.“
    She smiled brilliantly. „I really do make a very good boss, if I do say so myself.“
    „And what kind of wife will you make?“
    She shrugged fatalistically. „Who knows? I’ve never had any experience. What are your qualifications as a husband?“
    Jake moved his head in a slow negative, the brackets hard on either side of his mouth. „My direct experience is quite limited. I was married once, Heather. A long time ago. We were both very young, very immature and very broke. I think we thought marriage would somehow cure all that. It was a romantic fantasy that didn’t last eighteen months. At the end of that time we were still young and broke but perhaps a little wiser.“
    Heather’s eyes gentled as she remembered her own youthful passions and fantasies. „What happened, Jake?“
    „She found someone else who could support her in the style to which she wanted to become accustomed.“ There was no bitterness in his words. „When she announced she wanted a divorce, my main feeling, I’m afraid, was one of relief. In the end it was the best answer for everyone. She got the security she needed and I had the freedom to spend every dime I could earn on an education. After I got my business degree I was too busy building a career to think about marriage. Or maybe I just never found anyone who seemed to want the same things I wanted. I don’t know. I do know,“ he added with quiet emphasis, „that I am ready again for marriage, and this time I intend to make it work.“
    „You sound very certain of that.“
    „I’ve grown used to

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