Captain in Calico

Captain in Calico by George MacDonald Fraser Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Captain in Calico by George MacDonald Fraser Read Free Book Online
Authors: George MacDonald Fraser
standing in Providence. It was a heartening thought, and he smiled slowly as Penner inclined his head and half-lifted a hand in token of recognition.
    Master Dickey’s voice claimed his attention again. The formalities over, the name of King George having been suitably glorified, and that of Governor Rogers likewise praised in its degree, the secretary rolled up his document and presented another, which Woodes Rogers again approved, and Dickey proceeded:
    â€˜â€¦ whereas these several misguided subjects of our Sovereign Lord, having erred from the ways of duty, yet having repented them of their sins, shall, under this solemn oath and contract, be admitted to said Majesty’s most gracious and Royal pardon, and to them shall be restored said Majesty’s protection, that they may move again in, and be restored to,the proper ways of duty and love to their rightful and most merciful Sovereign.’
    Woodes Rogers doffed his castor, an example which every male in the square followed, and prepared to administer the oath. It was a simple document, in contrast to those which had gone before, calling for complete repentance in those who took it, enjoining them to be temperate and truthful, and demanding from them the solemn promise that they would forsake for ever the practice of piracy on the high seas. Finally, it gave assurance that any who broke the oath would be promptly hanged.
    â€˜John Rackham, hold up your right hand,’ commanded Master Dickey. ‘Do you so swear?’
    Rackham waited a fraction of a second, savouring the last moment before he should be a free man. ‘I do,’ he said.
    â€˜Benjamin Thorne, do you so swear?’
    He was a free man now – as free as Rogers, as Penner, as the King!
    â€˜Isaac Nelson, do you so swear?’
    Free. And not only a free man but an honest one – his past forgotten, himself absolved by the most regal authority in the world.
    One by one the pirates filed forward to sign, or make their marks upon, the heavily sealed document on the Governor’s table.
    Rackham, in his impatience, scrawled his signature without a glance at the wording of the document. But as he turned from the table he was intercepted by the jovial Major Penner, who had come forward from beneath the awnings.
    â€˜John, lad, welcome home!’ The burly Penner seized his hand. ‘This is the best of fortune. Did ye start to see me insuch company, eh?’ He jerked a thumb over his shoulder towards the planters. ‘It’s not to be wondered at. I took the pardon two years ago, when Rogers first arrived. And behold me now!’ He laughed resoundingly. ‘A man of substance, as you see. And more than that,’ – his merry grey eyes twinkled as he dug Rackham in the ribs – ‘‘tis what yourself shall be, and quickly, or I’m no judge. And how has Fate treated you? No need to tell me. None. I heard of your surrender. Plaguey hard, to give up a fortune, but there – what’s a few broad pieces beside a Royal pardon?’
    â€˜Major, I—’ Rackham was impatient to be away, but the burly Major had his arm in a bear-like grip. ‘There is someone I must see—’
    â€˜All in good time, lad,’ Penner reproved him. ‘What? There’s no guarda costas behind ye now. Time is on our side, and your first hour as a pardoned man ye shall spend in my company. For I’ve much to tell you. No buts, lad. I’ll hear none of them. It would be rank mutiny, no less. Will you deny one of His Majesty’s officers?’ He released Rackham and stepped back, grinning like a schoolboy.
    Rackham was intrigued in spite of himself. ‘A King’s officer?’
    â€˜No less, John. A commissioned privateer, with His Majesty’s blessing, the Governor’s favour, a stout ship, and a clear conscience.’ He dropped his voice confidentially. ‘And making more than ever I did on the Account, too. It

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