Captive Embraces

Captive Embraces by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Captive Embraces by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
like Sirena than Regan cared to admit. At times it seemed to him that Caleb had never had another mother; that Tita, the Javanese princess who had birthed the boy, had never existed. It was Sirena who had formed the boy’s spirit. And like Sirena, Caleb spoke his mind and was willing to fight to win his objective.
    â€œFather, I gave you my word I would stay until the end of the term, but when it is over, I’m leaving. I’m through with this dark land that is Holland. Nor will I stay with you in Spain. I’m going back to Java.”
    â€œYou’re going back for Sirena, is that it? I always knew that if it came to a choice, you would choose her over me, your own father.”
    â€œI just said I was going back to Java. I plan to sign on a ship with Captain Dykstra. I’ll look in on Sirena and see how she’s faring without a man in the house. You shouldn’t have left her alone on the island,” he said flatly.
    â€œAnd you refuse to forget it or understand why! You’ll always hold it against me, is that what you’re saying?” Regan’s face deepened into an angry frown and he impatiently tossed back the fringe of white-blond hair which fell across his tanned brow.
    â€œNo, Father, that’s what you’re saying,” Caleb parried. “I have no mind for school and being a gentleman. I’m going back to sea where I can be what I want to be. And if my going where I belong means I lose my father... ” Caleb shrugged his shoulders in a gesture of pretended indifference. He loved Regan and Sirena and he rationalized that what they did with their own lives had little to do with him. But the pain was still there and now it rose in his throat like bitter gall. He hoped that Regan would not test him and refuse to understand his feelings.
    â€œThis is not what I came all the way to discuss with you,” Regan said quietly, settling himself upon a stiff, hard-backed chair and reaching in his pocket for a cheroot.
    â€œWhen I saw Sirena wasn’t with you, I immediately surmised that,” Caleb lowered his voice. He searched the inside of his own jacket for a black cheroot which he lit with a glowing taper from the ever-present fire that had slight effect on the damp room. Offering Regan a light, he tossed the taper into the flames and sat opposite his father.
    Regan had never seen Caleb smoke until now and was strangely rankled. Chalking it up to regret that his son was so close to manhood, Regan forced down his misgivings when he noticed how appropriate the thin, dark roll of tobacco seemed in Caleb’s large, capable hands.
    â€œWhy are you so hostile to me, Caleb? I thought I had explained the entire situation in my letter. If you are truly on the threshold of becoming a man, surely you must make an effort to understand and accept the fact that Sirena and I are a thing of the past.”
    â€œEven a man can’t ignore cruelty, and that’s how you’re behaving. By now, word must have reached Sirena that the Spanish Lady was sunk off the coast of Spain. What torment Sirena must be going through believing you are dead! I can only hope my letter explaining that you are alive and well reaches her before she suffers overmuch. Even now, I’m puzzled as to why you’ve come here.” Caleb eyed Regan boldly, unnerving his father.
    â€œThere’s a matter we must discuss. I was hoping for a quiet hour alone with you so I could explain something to you.”
    Caleb’s eyes were dark and cold as he looked at Regan, daring his father to say what he had come to say. Caleb, himself, was silent, his expression hostile. Under his father’s scrutiny, he stood and walked the few paces to the fireplace to flick his ashes onto the burning logs.
    â€œSit down, Caleb. We must talk.”
    â€œI prefer to stand, thank you.”
    Regan’s eyes were speculative as he looked at his son. The shock of seeing this tall, muscular youth

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