Captive Embraces

Captive Embraces by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Captive Embraces by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
was still something he could hardly come to terms with. His voice was hesitant and then gradually it quickened, gathering momentum as he watched the angry look in Caleb’s eyes turn to incredulity. “When I left the islands, I knew in my gut Sirena would never come with me. Don’t ask me how I knew, I just did. I was convinced she would never leave the island nor would she leave Mikel’s grave site. You must understand that I sincerely believed this. I still do. Our life together is over. From now on, it is only we two. When I was picked up by the ship that rescued us, I went to Spain and met the Córdez business manager in order to explain the circumstances of Sirena’s and my parting.”
    Regan cleared his throat as though he were reluctant about continuing. “I have taken over the handling of all the Córdez holdings.” Suddenly, his voice thickened and his agate-blue eyes took on a faraway look. “I know I must make a new life for myself and that is what I intend to do. In fact, I’ve already begun. I’ve divorced Sirena,” he said huskily.
    Caleb kept his silence but his eyes accused, judged, and found his father guilty. Without another glance in Regan’s direction, he turned and walked from the room.
    â€œCaleb, come back here,” Regan shouted. “That part of our life is over! Finished! We have to make a new beginning here!” His eyes searched the long corridor, willing Caleb to return. He went back into the front parlor and sat down heavily, his heart hammering in his chest. Head reeling, he smacked one large, bronze fist into the other. Caleb was gone, just as Mikel was gone. Just as Sirena was gone.
    Caleb would never forgive him, never come back to him. The same woman who had returned Caleb to him was taking his son away. What he had now was a divorce from a woman he loved dearly, and a young woman of excellent breeding who was demanding marriage in exchange for her wealth and virtue. God! What had he done?
    His broad, muscular shoulders slumped as he looked toward the doorway where Caleb had taken his exit. Something churned in the pit of his stomach. Was this what Sirena had felt when he left her? Was this the damnable emptiness she lived with, this total loss?

Chapter Three
    The Rana berthed in Cádiz, Spain, nine weeks after leaving Batavia. The voyage, usually taking anywhere from twelve weeks to five months, had been speedy owing to excellent weather and a good wind. Since reaching the northern limits of the African continent, Sirena had discontinued wearing her familiar sea garb. Wisely, she realized as they reached the more routinely traveled shipping lanes, her abbreviated costume of slashed short breeches and a blouse tied snugly beneath her full breasts would raise questioning eyes. Worse yet, it was possible her reputation as the Sea Siren might have preceded her arrival into the more civilized reaches of the world and being recognized would make her an easy mark for some adventure-seeking sailors wishing to gain the reputation of having conquered the infamous female pirate.
    Spain’s ancient seaport was buzzing with activity. Longshoremen were loading and unloading cargo and the horizon was impeded by a forest of ship’s masts.
    As Sirena leaned over the quarterdeck rail drinking in the familiar sights about her, a deep anxiety in the pit of her innards began to creep insidiously around her spine. Throughout the voyage, she had convinced herself beyond doubt that she had left Batavia because of Regan’s manipulations and trickery. He couldn’t have gone down with his ship! This was just his way of luring her off Java.
    Yet, throughout the voyage, she had found it more and more difficult to discount the possibility that she might be wrong. Sirena bit into her lower lip, her green eyes narrowed against the fear which kept bobbing to the surface like the cork on the end of a fisherman’s line. Regardless of

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