Caribbean Rain

Caribbean Rain by Rick Murcer Read Free Book Online

Book: Caribbean Rain by Rick Murcer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Murcer
Tags: USA
attempt to land, and the plane apparently hit hard a couple of times, then lost a wing and hit a barricade at the end of the runway, moving fast.”
    Manny didn’t think it was possible for his heart to drop as far as it did. He gathered more strength. “Shit,” he said softly. “Were there . . . is everyone . . . okay?”
    “We don’t have all of the information, but there were at least two survivors. We don’t know if there were . . . fatalities. They’re still searching. Before you ask, I don’t know which is which or who is missing. I’m sorry, Manny, I know you’re close to Franson and Corner, but I don’t have any more specifics.”
    The screaming in his head came from his soul, and if he didn’t run away from the negative thoughts, he’d be insane in a few minutes. He did his best to shift to cop mode. It helped. Then he made a decision, because waiting just wasn’t on the table.
    “Thank you, sir. I’m about four hours from there, so I’m on the way,” he said quietly.
    “Are you sure you want to— Wait, I have another call from the Cleveland office,” said Dickman.
    If silence were a dagger, he would have been cut to ribbons in the first five seconds of that horrendous wait. No matter what he tried, he couldn’t keep his mind from running down the road where doubt was so willing and able to lead him. He tried focusing on his daughter Jen and that helped some, for a moment. But to lose Chloe, and Josh, especially like this, was a prescription written by insanity.
    Finally, Dickman came back to him. “Williams?”
    “They found the other two and are doing all they can, but it’s touch and go. I can’t discuss the details because I don’t have them all, but get your ass on the road. You can meet with the Cleveland people at the hospital.”
    Manny was already out the door, Gavin and Mike in tow. “I’m leaving now, sir. Is there anything else you can tell me?”
    Dickman’s answer was strange, at best. “You’re the profiler. You got a couple of hours to think about this call, so profile me. Meanwhile, do what you’re told and get to Youngstown.”
    The line went dead. Manny stared at the phone. He briefly wondered what it took before people just ditched their emotions and opted out of the rat race. Losing Chloe would do that for him.
    Dickman was right. He was the profiler, and if he’d read the man’s voice correctly, he had little time to see Chloe or Josh alive.

    Hiking through the wilderness of El Yunque was as close to a legitimate paradise as Rainer Johns had ever imagined. He was familiar with the concept of Heaven, but what could be better than this? The smell of the Tabonuco trees and the Sierra Palms combined with the lush, green essence of the forest caused him to stop, close his eyes, and attempt to grasp it all.
    When Rainer finally opened his eyes, the view had evolved to something even more stunning. He’d heard that the vistas were ever-changing at El Toro’s peak, and he had previewed the unimaginable beauty of the north and east parts of El Yunque, but this was living proof. The landscape caused his heart to skip a beat.
    Shifting the position of his long legs a little wider, he could barely contain himself. Even the high-rise hotels waving in the distance proved to be little or no reminder of civilization. Braced against the clear blue sky, they looked more like paintings than anything tangible.
    Taking out his new, high-end digital camera, he proceeded to take pictures of everything and from every angle. He zoomed out, zoomed in, and held the camera at arm’s length to take several shots of himself against the lush backdrop. He was sure his friends in Boston would turn green with envy when he posted the photos online. Especially Shari, his girlfriend. She had to work and couldn’t make this trip. He’d get his ass kicked after she saw what she’d missed, when he got home, but it would be worth it. He loved her, but getting one up

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