believe possible, a thick black band of velvet, and what appeared at first to be an ordinary black bikini, but made out of rubber.
Katya tried to quell her fear. 'Darling, isn't this rather dated?'
'No more than some other things in the house,' he said cuttingly. 'Put on the blindfold.'
'No! I like to see what you're doing. I enjoy ...'
'This is for my enjoyment, not yours. Put it on.'
She knew that if she didn't he'd only get Peter to do it for him and so she took the piece of velvet material in her hands and slipped it down over her head until her eyes were covered and her world was nothing but darkness.
'Now lie on your back,' the baron instructed her. She started to turn over but her body missed the edge of the couch and she began to fall. Her lack of vision had affected her balance and she couldn't pull herself back, but she knew that Dieter was standing right by her. To her horror he didn't try to save her, and with a tiny scream of fright she fell from the couch onto the floor, hitting her right hip sharply. She bit back a moan of pain.
'Get back on, my dear. This is wasting time.'
She got unsteadily to her feet, her hands reaching out blindly for the couch and then with great difficulty pulled herself up again, terrified that she'd fall off the other side. By the time she was finally lying flat on her back, her body was bathed in sweat, and her hair was plastered round her face in tiny tendrils.
'Put the bikini on her, Peter,' the baron instructed.
Katya felt Peter's large hands threading her legs through the openings in the bikini bottom, and then he was struggling to pull the thick rubber over her damp flesh. It pulled and tugged at her, pinching and nipping her skin, dragging heavily all the way and she lifted her hips from the couch to try and help him, although she hated the indignity of it and of what was to come.
'Keep still,' Dieter said coldly. 'Let Peter manage alone.'
Katya's breathing was uneven now and the baron watched the rise and fall of her breasts with amusement. He'd known she'd hate this and was satisfied with his choice of punishment.
The rubber bikini bottom was finally in place, and Katya suddenly felt Peter's long fingers carefully pulling her outer sex lips through the opening between the legs; he knew that her sex must be fully exposed, the tightness of the rubber distending it to make an easy target for the baron's crop. As he manipulated her into place, Peter let one of his fingers brush around the delicate flesh surrounding the clitoris and she flinched at the unexpected touch, but at the same time she felt a trickle of moisture begin to seep out from her rapidly moistening opening. The baron pushed Peter to one side and looked down at her. 'Whore,' he said with a soft laugh and she felt the tip of the riding crop move lightly up her left leg for a moment before he removed it.
'Sit up!' he said after a short silence. She obeyed, but swayed as she did so, hating the heavy blackness that surrounded her. Peter lifted her arms, quickly pulled the bands of the bikini top onto her shoulders and then fastened it at the back with the heavy metal clip. There were holes cut in the front of the cups, but this time it was the baron who pushed them into place, sucking hard on each of her nipples in turn, and as her breasts swelled so the rubber clung more tightly to her, forcing the nipples and surrounding areoles to stand out as yet another target for him.
'Wonderful! Lie down flat again and lift your hips for a moment.' His shallow breathing was audible to her, but his voice was even, with no trace of the excitement she knew he was feeling. As she lifted her hips she felt cool air between the cheeks of her bottom and suddenly remembered that there was a second hole in the bottom half of the bikini, a hole that allowed her to be penetrated there as well. The baron's probing hand found the hole and he inserted his finger for a moment, to make sure that everything was correctly aligned. He