Sarah's Surrender

Sarah's Surrender by Vickie; McDonough Read Free Book Online

Book: Sarah's Surrender by Vickie; McDonough Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vickie; McDonough
confidence,” Jack said with a thick dose of sarcasm. He couldn’t begrudge Luke for wanting to protect Sarah. He knew the younger man had deep feelings for her. “As much as I don’t like the idea of sharing her room, I also don’t relish sleeping outside with a storm coming.”
    Luke plopped down beside him again. “Me neither. I brought a tent we can share, but if it hails, we’ll be in a world of hurt.”
    Jack sat beside his friend for several minutes, watching the people pass by. A scraggly brown-and-white hound dog moseyed up to him and sniffed his boots. He nudged Jack’s hand for a scratch and wagged his tail when Jack complied. Then the mutt sniffed Luke’s pants and moved on. “Sure are a lot of folks here.”
    â€œJust like the land runs. Everyone is hopin’ they’ll get free property, but most will be disappointed.” Luke scratched his belly. “I’m hungry. You wanna grab some grub?”
    Jack nodded. “Sure. I need to find out where to register for the lottery first.”
    â€œI saw a poster somewhere that told where to get in line.”
    â€œLet’s fetch Sarah and eat lunch. Then I want to find where the registration takes place so we can get there first thing in the morning.” Jack stood and stretched.
    â€œBut we don’t have to sign up for two more days.”
    â€œI know, but with this crowd, I’m sure the lines will be long. We’ll probably have to be there all night.”
    Luke stood and yawned again. “Sure hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow night.”
    Jack nudged him in the side. “Hey, you want to surprise Sarah? She doesn’t know you’re here.”
    Luke grinned. “That sounds like a grand idea.”

Chapter 4
    S arah scowled and covered her ears. Why was someone hammering so early in the morning? She yawned and stretched then bolted upright in the bed. That wasn’t hammering. Someone was knocking on her hotel room door.
    â€œSarah? It’s Jack. You ready to get something to eat?”
    â€œUm … yes. I need a few minutes though. Is the dining room downstairs open now?”
    â€œI think so.”
    â€œWhy don’t you go on down and get a table?”
    For a moment, Jack didn’t respond, and she wondered if he’d heard her. “All right. See you downstairs.”
    She had planned to rest for a short while, not fall asleep. Sarah hurried to the chair on which she’d laid out her skirt and top. She pulled on her white blouse, glad she’d kept undergarments and shoes on, and then she slid her skirt over her head. She made quick work of pinning up her hair then grabbed her reticule and pulled open the door. Sarah’s heart jolted and she emitted a squeal as she jumped back at the sight of a man leaning against her door frame. Luke? What was
doing here?
    â€œSurprise, pretty lady!” His lips curled into his trademark grin, and he straightened.
    Her heart pounded as if she’d run a race. The nerve of him to frighten her like that. Had he followed her here, hoping to change her mind about marrying him? If so, he was bound for disappointment. She crossed her arms over her chest. “What are you doing here?”
    His grin dipped for a moment before he reinforced it. “That’s not the greeting I expected.”
    She lifted her chin, refusing to be moved by his charm. “I sure didn’t expect to find a man stuck to my doorjamb, either.”
    He yanked off his hat and curled the brim. “My apologies for scaring you. I didn’t mean to do that. I was hopin’ to surprise you.”
    â€œYou certainly accomplished that, but you didn’t answer my question.” Had he followed her to El Reno? Did he think she was incapable of caring for herself, even with Jack here? If he thought she’d marry him because he chased after her, he would be sorely disappointed. It was time she was on her own.

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