Cat Style (Stray Cats)

Cat Style (Stray Cats) by Megan Slayer Read Free Book Online

Book: Cat Style (Stray Cats) by Megan Slayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Slayer
Cat Style (Stray Cats)
    Megan Slayer
    All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2013 Megan Slayer
    BIN: 06761-02176
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Changeling Press LLC
315 N. Centre St.
Martinsburg, WV 25404

Editor: Katriena Knights
Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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Table of Contents
    Cat Style (Stray Cats)
    Chapter One
    Chapter Two
    Chapter Three
    Chapter Four
    Chapter Five
    Megan Slayer

Cat Style (Stray Cats)
    Megan Slayer
    He’s got cat style, but does he have what it takes to win her heart?
    Penelope went to the witch’s house to look at the cats, not bring one home. The moment she spotted the tiny fur baby with huge green eyes, she lost her heart. But Hildegard’s cats aren’t all they seem. One skeptical owner plus one affectionate shifter equals love cat-style -- but will love prevail over the evil threatening to kill her furry best friend?

    “I do not need a kitten. I do not need a kitten,” Penelope chanted to herself. She’d seen the sign in the witch’s yard, but never imagined she’d actually go to the house and adopt one of the critters. She stared at the weather-beaten front door of the house. Either knock or get the heck off the porch .
    “Open the door, child,” came a scratchy voice from the other side of the door.
    “Hello?” Penelope inched backwards. “I’m here to look at the kittens.”
    A creaking sound came from inside the house. The door finally opened, and an elderly woman with unkempt salt and pepper hair peeked out at her. The woman smiled. She clutched a tiny kitten in both gnarled hands.
    “I’m glad to see you,” the woman said. She offered the cat to Penelope. “This is Fang. He’s been waiting on you.”
    “Fang?” She petted the black cat’s head. Tufts of black fur stuck up at the tips of his ears. “How’s he been waiting on me? Or is that part of your selling methods?” The more she petted him, the more she couldn’t walk away.
    “Penelope, I know who all of my cats will go to.” She placed the kitten in Penelope’s hands. “There. He’s happy now.”
    “He?” Crap. She’d been reduced to one-word questions. She rubbed the kitten’s head on her cheek. So soft and fluffy. “Why hasn’t he been nabbed before now?”
    “Nabbed?” The woman’s eyes widened.
    “I meant adopted. He’s sweet looking and so soft. I’m sure he’s the first one everyone touches when they look at the kittens.” She cradled him to her chest. “Well, they won’t now. I’m head over heels for him.”
    The woman smiled. “Wonderful. Take care of him, and he’ll be exactly what you need.” She clapped her hands. “Enjoy.”
    Before Penelope could say anything, the

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