Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)

Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) by Meghan Quinn Read Free Book Online

Book: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) by Meghan Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meghan Quinn
was floating in heaven. She was with the sweetest man, she had the best of friends and she could not have asked for a better proposal.
    “Hey!” Molly said swatting Luke lightly on the shoulder. “Did you have the restaurant play our song over the speakers?”
    Luke gave Molly that little boy grin that made her fall in love with him and replied, “Of course babe, do I win bonus points for that one?”
    Molly laughed. “Oh Luke you are so on the good boy list right now, you are going to be quite the pleasured man for quite some time.”
    Molly heard Jane groan in the background but she didn’t care, she wrapped her arms around Luke and kissed him all over. Whenever Luke was gone she never forgot what it felt like to have him in her arms but when he was back with her, having him in her arms always made her feel more whole.
    She heard Michael clear his throat behind her. She almost completely forgot about the skee-ball challenge. Molly separated herself from Luke just enough to address Jane.
    “Sorry I made you lose sweetie, but hey now you can go out with that hunk of meat over there.” Molly said tossing her thumb toward Brady.
    Brady blushed, was that actually a blush, from Brady Matthews? Molly thought he was some over-confident prick. Not that she would normally encourage her best friend to go out with someone like him but Jane really just needed to get back into the scene and get a good fuck in her bones. Then she would be ready to go on to the next best thing. Brady was a perfect rebound for Jane. But Molly would let her friend worry about her future date with Brady because at the current moment, all Molly cared about was taking her fiancé home for some serious private time. She could not be happier.
    Once everything settled down, Molly and Luke left so they could go “bone” as Molly put it, she was a lady with absolutely no class but Jane loved her for it. That left her with just Michael and Brady and Jane could tell Michael was itching to leave Brady and her alone. Jane prayed she wasn’t going to be left alone with Brady because it would be extremely awkward. What the hell would he say to him?
    She thought maybe she would just be polite and go out with Brady to make her friends get off her back but she really didn’t want to. She knew Molly wanted her to just go out with Brady for a good lay, but what were Michael’s intentions? Did he really think they would make a good match, or was he doing a friend a favor? Was this Michael’s idea or Brady’s?
    Michel patted Brady on the shoulder and announced, “I think I am going to take off and see how the misses is doing. Why don’t you guys stay here, maybe you can teach Brady a thing or two about skee-ball. Oh and tough loss kid, maybe next time you can beat me.”
    Jane replied, “You only won because Molly screamed so loud the sound waves moved my arm to the side and threw off my shot.” 
    “You keep thinking that darlin’.” Michael kissed her on the cheek, shook Brady’s hand and took off. 
    Great, now she was all alone with Brady Matthews, no doubt every girl in the place was wondering what the hell he was doing with her. Jane was mortified. Brady’s face read like an open book, he looked just as uncomfortable as Jane. She knew this was going to be awful, Brady’s face agreed with her.
    He wasn’t even really looking at her, just scraping the ground with his shoe. Maybe she should just call it a night and take off, let Brady off the hook. That would be the best option for everyone. Jane had a feeling Michael asked Brady to go out with her, to give her a boost of confidence since things have been so bad for her in her romantic life. Well Brady didn’t have to do Michael or her any favors, she would relieve Brady of his duties. She thought that maybe she could go out on a date with the

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